
Fix it! Raab at HSV im Tor – Heuer Fernandes injured › HL-SPORTS

Daniel Heuer Fernandes (Hamburger SV). Photo: Lobeca/Henning Rohlfs

Hamburg – “Ferro is raus en geht komplett in de Genesungsprozess for this Woche. There is a light zerrung, soft drink with coffee, that is the beginning of the next week, wieder dabei ist“, erklärte Steffen Baumgart on tuesday. The trainer of Hamburger SV spent at the Sonnabend im Heimspiel in the Tablelennachbarn SC Paderborn auf Matheo Raab My name is Tor setzen. Der 25-Jährige wird, wie beim 2:2-Unentschieden in Kaiserslautern the lost Daniel Heuer Fernandes digest. Is the camp Number 1 at the Rothosen so involved again?

New chance for Raab?

The chief trainer says: “Matheo has tremendous power. It’s not even a Torhüter, so a game in the Heimat-abzuliefern and the Mannschaft is such a Sicherheit to be. There is a good force.” Aber Baumgart said: “We will continue to discuss the number 1 issue. Dafür müssen mehr Spiele her.” Das bedeutet, dass Raab weiter good Leistungen abliefern muss. In the Rückserie der vergangen Saison verdrängte “Ferro” from the Gehäuse des HSV. Only necessary due to pneumonia in the preparation of the young Keeper in the Kürzeren. `

Large selection for Baumgart

The Volkspark is a competitive battle in any case. No easy situation for coach and team. Everyone wants to play, so Baumgart must keep the lane high. “All players are good in training. If the situation arises, if you are in a low situation, you can play players of the game and set up a little bit of an opponent-oriented aufzustel. I have often thought that the team of the team wants to be. The 2:2 in Kaiserslautern war a typical Beispiel dafür. I have sent Moritz Heyer out of the cadre under the war of one of the first players in the Jubeltraube. This said, was important for us and we are wanted. “

“Baka” wouldn’t mind either

Bakery Jatta was back on the pitch on Tuesday. Work is being done on the passages of a single jump injury. Is it perhaps an option to give Baumgart’s ex-Club Paderborn an option? “We congratulate you, that is a good feature of the hat and the good equipment of the hat. There would no longer be a training session this week. We do not want to put anyone in a situation where there is still not 100 percent. The perspective of the Cadres and the number of injuries is not that bad, nor was it longer zu watten”, so Baumgart after the training.

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  • Heuer Fernandes: Lobeca/Henning Rohlfs