
Herbal purée in der Schüssel: Porridge with Bratapfel Topping

Herbal purée in der Schüssel: Porridge with Bratapfel Topping

Well, that Porridge could properly polish its image today through a clouded name. So tomorrow, if my Oma is still my purchased hat, this is a Haferschleim. It is not that the operation of the device is so delicious and old-fashioned.

If you eat a good warm meal in the herb and winter porridge, there is no longer a long satt-macht, but then bekömmlich and healthy is. It has not been possible to remove the answer and to switch off the Kuhmilch by Mandelmilch. Nunisten are vegan and by the Bratapfel-Topping it becomes ganze noch a wunderbar-winterliche Note.

Suitable for 2 persons

For the porridge:

1 Tasse Haferflocken, zartsschmelzend2 Tassen Mandelmilch von gerösteten Mandeln1 Tütchen Vanillinzucker

For the casserole topping:

1 larger Apfel2 Tütchen Vanillinzuckereine Handvoll getrockneter Cranberrys1 TL ZitronensaftZimt2 Tropfen Bittermandelaroma1TL Butter bzw. a tasty alternative


1. The apple is washed, the core house is cut into mouth-watering pieces. Butter or tasty alternative in a pfanne erhitzen and the apple in a few minutes at moderate temperature. With the caramelizing vanilla sugars, a little seat and the cranberries, with the pit and the bitter almonds, remove and leave the flock.

2. Mandelmilch with the vanillin sugar in a top heatzen, the Haferflocken in it in the rest and all the cooking and clean is the porridge fertile.

3. Fill the Porridge in Schüsseln, the Bratapfelmischung is ready and serve hot. Wer is not allowed to hack anymore. Good appetite!

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