
Appier Group, Inc. (4180.T) Aktuelle Nachrichten und Schlagzeilen zu Aktien – Yahoo Finanzen

Appier Group, Inc. (4180.T) Aktuelle Nachrichten und Schlagzeilen zu Aktien – Yahoo Finanzen

Appier Takes Rev Edition Thailand to New Heights with AI-Driven Marketing Campaign

Appier, a software-as-a-service (SaaS) company that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to drive business decision-making, is proud to announce the success of its recent partnership with Rev Edition. Appier’s AIQUA platform introduced a groundbreaking solution for Rev Edition, enabling personalized product recommendations and improving user engagement across multiple channels, including eDMs, in-web, SMS, and social channels. This AI-driven approach enabled accurate A/B testing, with 50% of your