
NASDAQ Title NVIDIA Action: Saudi Arabian news about NVIDIA’s Hochleistungschips

NASDAQ Title NVIDIA Action: Saudi Arabian news about NVIDIA’s Hochleistungschips

Saudi Arabia, the great ambitions in the field of US intelligence, it is so that you can become bald by the high-speed ships of the American chip repairers NVIDIA that are there.

• USA describes Export of NVIDIA chips
• Advanced Technology has not fallen into Chinese hands
• Saudi Arabia is developing its own development of KI Chips

Saudi Arabia thinks it is its time to diversify and end its oil industry. This reinforcement is one of the robust AI-Ökosystems in the royal family.

National Security Concept of the USA

But bisher has had a strict export control in the US that have been strengthened. So the US military has done a US registration for the export of fortschritlichen halfbleitern and chip repair lung material in the states of the Nahen-Ostend, which work in Saudi Arabia. That hangs among other things with the one Beziehungen Riad and Peking zusammen, so China is the largest trading partner Saudi Arabia.

Washington will hinder American technology in the fight against China’s problems. Support a military strike of US-Technik during the Chinese war in the Grund for a controversial sanctions package. NVIDIA must ensure that new chips are produced for China, which will become the export food.

NVIDIA Chips: Saudi Arabia Standard

The power of export control is a man in Saudi Arabia who will probably leave the NVIDIA H200 high-performance ships at the end of the day, which the king was given the opportunity to develop and operate the most advanced AI models. “I think, since the end of the 8th year”, answer from Abdulrahman Tariq Habib, a highly gifted Projector of the Saudi Arabian Behorde for data and smart intelligence, when a possible Zeitplan was reported by “CNBC”. The attention to the export of the US chip export is an ambitious example.

Habib commented on a few possible writings in more detail: “It is a matter of time for the development of the construction of the roof, of the rechenkapazitäten, in the king’s öffnen. Since it is important, it is not possible that the research is possible, that it is important. We are in the last three years Jahren hart am Aufbau von Kapazitäten gearbeitet, nicht nur von human Kapazitäten, sonondern auch von Datenkapazitäten, also together with the international community and for that matter, one of the active federated states in the datenanalysis of its existence.”

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