
Kamala Harris v Donald Trump: Aktuelle Umfragen zur US-Wahl

Kamala Harris v Donald Trump: Aktuelle Umfragen zur US-Wahl

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Kamala Harris is the Democratic candidate for the US-Wahl 2024. He has become former President Donald Trump. It is possible that you activate the fragments.

Washington D – It’s more than enough. On July 21st it’s party time: Joe Biden is no longer busy with the American Wahl 2024. Statistics arrange the Democrats under Kamala Harris in the Race against Donald Trump. This step has changed the political landscape dramatically. If Biden is in the Umfragen with the German hints, see the new data, that Harris is in the Lage ist, sich with the Candidates of the Republican messenger.

Biden’s bad intentions for the US-Wahl 2024 were certainly an entscheidender factor for the positive feedback from the Wahlkampf. Direction about how you can deal intensively with the other events during the month of July, who Reuters Damal’s message. Die Ergebnisse deuteten auf abnehmende Aussichten für een ergolgreiche Wiederwahl hin. Daraufhin wurde kurzfristig der Rückzug beschloss.

Harris tells Trump: We can take on US-Wahl

Who put Kamala Harris under Donald Trump’s leadership now? A look at the Wahl-Trend is emerging here. Various statistical portals, which analyze and weigh a large number of requests, see Harris in the national requests now for Trump. Biden hates Trump a clear leadership.

Umfragen vor der US-Wahl: Where is this located? Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump

Race to the White House 50.0 46.2
Decision Bureau HQ/The Hill 50.3 46.7
270toWin 49.2 45.8
Silver Bulletin 49.2 46.3

(Quellen: RacetotheWH, The Hill, 270toWin and Silver Bulletin, weight eater Durchschnitt der Umfragen, Status: September 19)

Allerdings are landesweite fragments in the US that were developed by Wahlsystems, are now out of use. Entscheidingen isd die Siege in the only Bundesstaat. Besides that here are the so-called Swing States, the “Schwankende Staten” are able no one in the past with a multiple right kann. And the American interests that the Democrats and the Republicans have won, have been won. In that state sign there is a head-to-head race, which will change the duration of the state work.

Meeting at the US Wahl broadcast: Kamala Harris (l.) and Donald Trump (r.), here at a thought demonstration for the victims of the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001.
Meeting at the American Wahl-aufeinander: Kamala Harris (l.) and Donald Trump (r.), here at a thought exploration for the victim of the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001. © ADAM GREY/AFP

Kamala Harris v Donald Trump: Actuelle Umfragen zur US-Wahl aus de Swing States

Wegen van de Wahlsystems has received a country-specific coverage in the US, now that there is a cross-border force. What the siege in the only Bundesstaat could mean. Here comes for all to the Swing States (“Schwankende Staaten”) and no one could here with a multiple rights. It is a fact that there is a head-and-head race, which casts a glance at the durability of the state time.

Arizona 46.6 47.8
Georgia 46.8 48.2
Michigan 48.3 46.0
Nevada 47.2 46.7
North Carolina 47.2 47.7
Pennsylvania 48.2 46.9
Wisconsin 48.5 46.6

(Quellen: FiveThirtyEight, weight eater Durchschnitt der Umfragen, Status: September 19)

Umfragen zur US-Wahl zwischen Kamala Harris and Donald Trump

Before Biden’s return, the question remains. Damals has figured everything out, and Donald Trump will solve his legitimate problem with the American war in 2024. This war also includes the attack on The economist. The end of the international war for the Wahlausgang war is over: Trump has won more Wahlute on his vereinen-können and the Wahl title of the Electoral College. The probability of Trump-Sieges was at 80 Percent.

Things are getting exciting in US-Wahlkampf

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This image has a complete complete picture. The activated data is clear: Harris is now involved by the Bidens Stellvertreterin Wahlkampf, which makes the Rennen one of the American Wahl exciting. (cs)