
Online-Verhalten von Jugendlichen will always be an influencer

Online-Verhalten von Jugendlichen will always be an influencer

New data from WHO regional offices in Europe will spend more time analyzing a social media broadcast, more (13 percent) than neighbors (9 percent). More than every third person (36 percent) reported that night, constantly staying in touch with friends online.
It has been investigated that there is an attempt at social media use among teenagers from 7 years ago in the year 2018 to 11 years ago in the year 2022, while the WHO Europe was on the basis of one of its most recent conclusions.

Problematisches Gaming-Verhalten

Let WHO know that there is more awareness, with 12 projects of youthful love, a gaming release based on the fact that the German market comes as a surprise.

The organization established in Copenhagen is looking for both recognition of the urgent need for insight into the development of digital technology on mental health and the well-being of young people in Europe.

“It is clear that social media is both positive and negative. Follow the developments in the health and well-being of young people,” WHO Regional Director Hans Kluge explained. or stop the pace of Entwicklung Schritt.

Gefahr von Depressionen, Mobbing, Angstzuständen

With such a strong and persistent mass intake, young people must be given the potentially harmful social media benefits in the grip. If you experience depressive feelings, mobbing, anxiety and school performance, then warn Kluge. It focuses on attracting social networks that bring a strong social bond.

The new WHO knowledge is one of the most important general studies, for the year 2022 quickly 280,000 children and youth in old age from 11, 13 and 15 years in 44 countries and regions in Europe, central Asia and Canada are informed. If you are concerned about social media, this is one of the symptoms that characterize the definition, if you say something, if the human is no longer in control, the research or other activities can be carried out.

Health Tips

It may be that a handy person has a healthy lifestyle, warns Kurzem Manfred Spitzer in the morning talk on Rai Südtrol. The digitalization and regular use of smartphones have harmed the psychiatrist Manfred Spitzer of the health care. Dadurch erhöhe sich das Demenz-Risiko, said the Gehirnforscher.