
Sendung – WaPo Bodensee (1) am Mi., 25.09.2024

Sendung – WaPo Bodensee (1) am Mi., 25.09.2024

For Nele Fehrenbach, a native of Hamburg and the Lake Constance police officer, the start in the new job started with a mysterious autumn. Argwöhnisch beäugt with Nele von ihrem Kollegen Rambach. That’s what happened here, and you would even become head chef of the laundry police. While the young Wapo-ermittler Julia Demmler and Pirmin Spitznagel meet the new chef.

For Nele Fehrenbach, native of Hamburg and the Lake Constance Water Protection Police, the establishment of the new job could not begin mysteriously. When the hunt comes to a close, the blutspuren is rolled up. Then you will find the Leiche des Jachtbesitzers in Uferbereich. A Herrn Klebers Tod has had an interesting interest. Zum Beispiel seine Frau Gina, who is such a teure referee of the well-known Fremdgänger, who spent her costs in Sauce and Braus.

But also Kleber’s business partners Anja and Manfred Görlinger are unable to talk. There is a debt in the money that Kleber has invested in his future by Franka Schultz. It is an escape on the run and it is a huge disappearance. If your party has started making threads: If you are beautiful, you can feel better, but then it is worth sharing. For Nele is the bare party, that Franka is now the Sündenbock guitar. If you have put the meat in a trap, you can compete with the colleague Andreas Rambach. Once the party is ready, the chef of the water protection police will become himself, before the Heimkehrerin Nele ihm for the Nase gesetzt wurde goes. And the young Wapo-Ermittler Julia Demmler and Pirmin Spitznagel are the new chef. When Julia is busy with Frauenpower and Nele as Chance, Pirmin speaks out. If it doesn’t take long, Nele is one of the intestines.

If it is really so, when the chef is done with his food, he will mumble a bad word for his children Niklas and Johanna with his son. Niklas has also had equal stress with the principal of his new school. There are only a few graffiti’s left that are worth finding. In Hamburg it is so that it is a big thing. As soon as she sees that Neles’ mother Mechthild, in the house of the sea it is a living, a soulful cool look at life – often also to the guidance of Nele.

Nele Fehrenbach (Floriane Daniel)
Andreas Rambach (Ole Puppe)
Julia Demmler (Wendy Güntensperger)
Pirmin Spitznagel (Simon Werdelis)
Mechthild Fehrenbach (Diana Körner)
Niklas Fehrenbach (Noah Calvin)
Johanna Fehrenbach (Sofie Eifertinger)
Captain Aubry (Martin Rapold)
Gina Kleber (Barbara Melzl)
Anja (Sabine Lorenz)
Manfred Görlinger (Thorsten Nindel)
Franka Schultz (Teresa Klamert)