
ROUNDUP: IG Metall and VW start Verhandlungen – Fronten verhärtet

ROUNDUP: IG Metall and VW start Verhandlungen – Fronten verhärtet

HANOVER (dpa-AFX) – I am finding a new Sparpläne at VW (Volkswagen (VW) vz) with Unternehmen and Gewerkschaft who are working together in the first years. At 11 a.m., both days in Hannover will meet, as VW and Gewerkschaft announced. Those Positions lie weit otherwise.

When VW makes a purchase at the personal expense, IG Metall will receive a reimbursement of expenses. “Uber-werk- and mass-permissions are not planned”, the Lower Saxony IG-Metall-Bureausleiter Thorsten Gröger stated clearly for the negotiations. Operating councilor Daniela Cavallo, who sits for the IG Metall with a negotiation, both are as clear as a red thread.

The first phase of the war that took place at the end of October will take place after VW has changed the sparks of the months. Statts nur über das Entgelt soll über die von VW kündigte Beschäftigungssicherung were traded. Since then, 120,000 employees in the large western German works have been affected by the VW Haustar. VW Sachsen has its own rules. This is how VW has achieved Beschäftigungssicherung.

What was the IG Metall guarantee?

The IG Metall has put VW on the market so they are floundering on the Tisch-legen, damn man in job sales. Bisher is one of the Kündigung additional tariffs that determine the details of the processing and work schließungen. Damit gieße VW nun “zusätzliches Öl ins Feuer”, critical Gröger. Stattdessen brauche man “ein tragfähiges Konzept für alle Standorte”, das ohne Werkschließungen and Massenentlassungen auskomme.

In finding statistics the IG metals are used for the industry and at VW to produce more Lohn. Abstract is not here born for VW. As of this month also streaks were possible. Then at VW the Peace obligation ended.

That must be VW

VW group boss Oliver Blume insisted on buying IG Metall: “I noticed a German move to come to the costs,” says I’m on ZDF. Concrete is: “We were put on a work site camp here in Germany, that’s clear. Once it’s that far, it will come to the costs if everything is done in German.” Souls, it’s a matter of time to come.

It could be that the sparks of the Sparkurs at the Kernmarke Volkswagen (Volkswagen (VW) vz) were provided and that a valid Beschäftigungssicherung could be achieved for 30 years. Laut “Manager Magazin” has lost only 30,000 jobs. Auch die Schließung ganzer Werke would no longer ausgeschlossen. Laut Finanzvorstand Arno Antlitz fehlen dem Konzern de Verkäufe für rund zwei Werke. In this way, VW will be responsible for the Bezahlung der Leiharbeiter and will not take over any additional measures.

Dissertations under time pressure

Both are under pressure in the future: There is no end, so with the job guarantee the sustainability of the investment is also lost, which the man had settled 30 years ago, and so on the outlook on holiday and Christmas money. If you save, it is possible for VW to criticize IG Metall. VW suffers from the fact that this “business agreement is not interchangeable”. It is possible that it is one of the first months of the month of July 2025./fjo/DP/stk

Ausgewählte Hebelprodukte auf Volkswagen (VW) vz.

With knockouts a speculative attack can partizipate an overproportionate and course movements. Wählen is one of the desired Lever and with suitable open-end products for Volkswagen (VW) vz.
