
Schijfriminierender Umgang mit Krebs in de EU

Schijfriminierender Umgang mit Krebs in de EU

In the EU there are great differences in learning, learning and treatment.

“It’s a shame, but there will be an extreme regional discrimination,” says the Wiener Onkologie Christoph Zielinski until the take-off of European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG). Beim Darmkrebs-Screening erreichen Länder wie Bulgarien nur eine Teilnahmequote von rund fünf Prozent, in Denmark is bis zu 76 Prozent,berichtete Antonella Cardone from Cancer Patients Europe.

“Ungleichheiten in der EU in de Gesundheitsbereich über verschiedene Krankheiten hint sind ein Faktum. Wenn man nur auf Krebs schaut, since daten zur Ungleichbehandlung sogar dramatically,” Cardone stated.

Against HPV impfen

The EU Plan for Cancer Conflict is considered a Soul Setting, 90 Percent the few infections against HPV (Human Papillomavirus) and the chance that more Krebsarten develop, are the Gebärmutterhalskrebs to impfen. The national soul in Poland lies only at 60 percent. That is so discrepancy compared to other countriessaid the Leader of the Patient Organization.

Treatment in Austria or Switzerland

This is a tool for the use of new Krebs medicines – vom Tag nach der Zülassung in der EU in Ländern wie Deutschland und nicht er nach bis zu drei Jahren “of nie” in Ländern wie Litauen, reported Cardone.

De best Zielinski: Viele Patients, die sich leisten können, kommen in diesen Ländern nach Österreich or in die Schweiz, to treat itself like welding. That is discriminatory and must be accepted,” said the medical practitioner as a representative of the Central European Cooperative Oncology Group at the Dienstagnachmittag at the European Health Congress in Bad Hofgastein (Pongau).

“Epidemic dimension”

There is a zahlreiche Mängel, the Verbesserung brauchen. “That concerns the joint approach of the Krebs”, says Zielinski, concerned with clinical studies on death Diagnose und Früherkennung bis zur Behandlung.

In clinical research, it is the case that in the EU, developments will take place in Southern Europe. That is what happened at night for patients and that is what happened in Germany, Birthplace for Elaborations hat. Krebs has an “epidemic dimension”, concrete of the disease. “If a patient has an e-instellungsänderung, all patients in the EU are discussed more”, because there.