
Bei Frage nach Comeback Kerkeling tells a Seitenhieb gegen Raab and great seriousness

Bei Frage nach Comeback Kerkeling tells a Seitenhieb gegen Raab and great seriousness

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Hape Kerkeling will be happy for a few years in the great disaster light. Nun wurde is a perhaps comeback fragmented.

Bremen – Hape Kerkeling (59) has with his failed shipments and creative art figures with Horst Schlämmer a lasting final impact in the German comedy scene hint. There are many gilded examples of a phenomenon in the media world and war during the current projects. Finally his 50. Birthdays sold are the last blessing career and so 2018 from the Disaster Light back.

Bei Frage nach Comeback Kerkeling tells a story against Raab – and more than seriousness

A lot of news reports, including the presentation of the show, where Hape Kerkeling has been created in the past years, sporadically and various projects. So in 2023 the Hauptrolle ended up in the Fortsetzung of the German TV club “Club Las Piranjas”. We were there in the NRW Talk Show “3 night 9” for guests and other guests in the new book “Gebt mir etwas Zeit”, dated 25 September. The moderator Giovanni di Lorenzo (65) is the perfect opportunity, Kerkeling to present a separate fragment.

Hape Kerkeling will be a guest at the “3 nach 9” talk show on 20.09.2024 in Bremen.
Hape Kerkeling was in the talk show “3 nach 9” about a possible comeback. © Imago

Giovanni di Lorenzo said that he wanted the man himself, the Kerkeling “the power of Stefan Raab and a fernseh comeback experience”. Does the Hape Kerkeling die an option? Before there is a fragment of savory, it is less important that Stefan Raab is not another sports teacher: “I never became a retired sports teacher in the fresher time. I can’t do that.”

Hape Kerkeling savory Comeback-Frage deutlich

After the visit aus dem Publikum nachlässt, wird Hape Kerkeling seriously. “I don’t like it,” he says. Danach message is a von a albtraum, it is about three days: There is a modern a Samstagabend-Show sisterammen with the GNTM chief Heidi Klum, 51 years old. „Schöne Grüße!“, there is a hint, „wer weiß?“ „Also, it is not auszuschließen“, schlussfolgert Giovanni di Lorenzo and übergibt das Wort and the collegin Judith Rakers (48).

Stefan Raab can’t wait to make a comeback that lasts longer Abwesenheit vom Fernsehen durchaus möglich ist. Immediately after the Boxkampf match against Regina Halmich (47) she has become the evil Profi-Boxerin.