
Daniela Büchner: “Jens is black immer da, aber …”

Daniela Büchner: “Jens is black immer da, aber …”

Der Schock War Damals Groß: Für Seine Fans Völlig Unerwartet Verstarb Mallorca-Liebling Jens Büchner Im November 2018 Met Gerade Einmal 49 Jahren. There is a way the kampf lost the Lungenkrebs. Zurück is my wife Danni (46), who has been her heir for a year now.

In Welchen Moments Jens Büchner († 49) is sadly missing

Jahre ist das Ganze now sees her quickly. Daniela Büchner is no longer “the wife of”. After the inner experiences and my Jens have appeared, is verrät. “Jens is always a significant part in our life. I am missing in moments, in this way I have a Fußball game, and in my experience I have a Tanzauftritt.” 2016 the Zwillinge Jenna and Diego (next to 8) watched the Light of the World. You knew your father. It is clear that this is always a part of his life, but he is still alive: “Man is a leader in a situation, that is why the man is always clear. It is always difficult and we speak about it.” über If this happens, it will no longer be possible.’

Do you know what you’ll have a new Mann in his life from? It’s Daniela Büchner’s Antwort ganz klar. When you watch the video, this is no longer the case.

Daniela Büchner: “I care about Gänsehaut”

Now Daniela Büchner came across her own Doku-dispatch on RTLZWEI. A trauma has arisen for the Reality-Star.

“I was always laughing, even though I was laughing. After all, the laughter has become more fun, and I think: ‘Oh, okay, oh, oh no, I have my own Doku with my children.'” That’s the end result. sie mit Stolz, erklärt sie “I am always weitergemacht, self in the darkest conditions, wenn ich geweint habe – manchmal tagelang. I am mir immer gewünscht, that is irgendwann dieser Moment comes, we someone says: ‘Pass auf, wir Given this chance, you come to your own Doku and have a chance to see who I will do.” arm. “When you are in the Gänsehaut, that is jetzt der Moment.”

TV tip: “Diese Büchners – Familientrubel unter Palmen” – on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, at 9:15 PM, on RTLZWEI.