
In various cities in Israel, the air alarm was provided

In various cities in Israel, the air alarm was provided

Tel Aviv: In the token cities of Israel, the air alarm will be sounded early tomorrow. Whoever has the army on the online platform X, can use the siren practically in the center of the country. A rocket from Lebanon will be caught in the big city of Tel Aviv. Reports about the offer of damage are no longer possible. Israeli Prime Minister Netanya has become even more afraid of the pro-Iranian Hisbollah in Lebanon and the North of the countries begins the Gaza War to give a good name a year later. There was concrete, a rocket in the home or in the garage, it became more of a house. Israel is recruiting the military, weapons in residential areas to camp. If the Israeli army spends the night, see the airspace and start the offensive quickly 570 People are tetched.

Sendung: Bayern 2 Nachrichten, 25.09.2024 08:00 Uhr

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