
Flößer seehen nach Eisfahrt Bilanz

Flößer seehen nach Eisfahrt Bilanz

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Flößer seehen nach Eisfahrt Bilanz
If you buy a few books, you can buy everything. © Sabine Hermsdorf-Hiss

After the Eisfahrt see the Flößereibetriebe Bilanz. Rain, Hochwasser and Gewitter ensure a start to the season in Isar and Loisach.

Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen – Rain, Hochwasser and Gewitter – the Wetter diesen Summer has been spoiled. For the Flößereibetriebe war the season will no longer be a fact. When you cross the Fahrt des Jahres – der Eisfahrt – you will see the Flößer Bilanz.

Schwacher Start, starkes Ende – Flößer seehen nach der Eisfahrt Bilanz

Josef Seitner did not think long about the past season, a Fazit zu zienhen: “Es was so durchwachsen and hadte in jeden Fall better besser can be.” The May and June were not so exciting. If the Grund is the Hochwasser, it is no longer possible in those years. If you feel positive, you can be sure that you are safe.

“We have come through without disaster. Even everything in the green range”, summarizes the Flößer. Although it may take a while, you will reach the end in a “little happy ending”. The summer is not warm and hot, but in the August weeks Josef Seitners is of the opinion that it went well. “The guests have a good time. It is a war that is so hot, that the people often jumped in the Loisach and Isar”, she remembers.

All Nachrichten aus Wolfratshausen read here.

Schönes Wetter bei der Eisfahrt

Michael Angermeier, of the Flöße an der Marienbrücke in der Pupplinger Au in state, declares: “Bei Hochwasser dürfen wir nicht fahren, that is settled so arranged.” Not until June before the war did the team meet during the day during the week of the week. “If you are happy with the season, you will have no problems and be happy with the weather,” the fastest is the fastest.

Unfallfrei blieb glücklicherweise auch der Flößereibetrieb Franz Seitner. Monika Heidl-Seitner’s team had to beat a manly woman: “The Wespenplage war is so schlimm,” said the Geschäftsführerin. Ab Mitte Juli lief in ihrem Betrieb alles sehr gut. Insgesamt 109 Fahrten kan veruchen before 2024. 35 Flöße blieben aufgrund des Hochwassers an Land. „Ohne die Ausfälle was a natch besser gewesen, aber grundsätzlich war das Jahr gut.“

The Saison is the previous one: Bei der Flößerei Seitner since bereits alle Stämme vom Flussufer verschwunden.
The Saison is the previous one: Bei der Flößerei Seitner since bereits alle Stämme vom Flussufer verschwunden. © Sabine Hermsdorf-Hiss

Betriebsausflüge, Vereinsgruppen und Familienfeiern were heuer auf Monika Heidl-Seitners Flößen abshoudenn. “We never miss a whole floß. Individuals, tourists or small groups can book a travel agency and the community that does this.

Very special guest with Josef Seitner: “You spent your life with our military pilots,” he said. Neben Swaben, the “fast Hauptkunden” have only been busy with the international teilnehmer on the Holzstämmen for a few years. They were American, Italian, Norwegian and Franzosen dabei. Aber auch Leute aus dem beachbarten Österreich fuhren with seinem Team.

Übrigens: Everything from the region is available in our regular Wolfratshausen-Geretsried-Newsletter.

When we were on the 30th anniversary of the day and on the day of the Floßfahrt regnete, and Monika Heidl-Seitner suffered from her love. Aber: “If the two judges were sisters, they would not be allowed to do so. They hatten proudly fell Spaß“, but those Geschäftsführerin. And that’s the smartest thing.