
Dax starts in Minus and ends up at 19,000er-Marke ()

FRANKFURT/MAIN (dts Nachrichtenagentur) – Die Börse in Frankfurt hat zum Handelsstart am Mittwoch zunächst Kursverluste verzeichnet. At 9:30 a.m. the hour was spent with beef 18,900 points, which was a minus of 0.5 percent after the transaction was completed. On the top of the rankings between Bayer, Porsche-Holding and Siemens, at Ende SAP, Airbus and Siemens Energy. The company has a duty day in the day of travel so that you can follow the Mark of 19,000 jumps, a Schlusskurs of the Mark war deutschen Leitindex aber Once again, I’m not sorry.

“Whoever lives with them will be able to achieve new goals,” says Thomas Altmann of QC Partners. It is a new volume of the best Dax-Future contract. Die Open-Interest is as new as in the year 1995. “Das deutet darauf hin, dass die Absicherungsquote über Futures aktuell extrem niedrig ist”, so Altmann.The European Community was worth 1.1192 US- Dollar, a dollar war is paid out for 0.8935 euros. The oil price has sunk below: Ein Fass van Nordsee-Sorte Brent kostente gegen 9 Uhr deutscher Zeit 74.84 US-Dollar; there were 33 Cent or 0.4 Prozent weniger as a Schluss des previous Handelstags.
