
Commerzbank Action Grim: Commerzbank Chooses New CEO | 25.09.24

Commerzbank Action Grim: Commerzbank Chooses New CEO | 25.09.24

Der Aufsichtsrat habe schlossen, Finanzvorständin Bettina Orlopp (54) zur Vorstandschefin zu orde, teilte das Institut am Dienstagabend in Frankfurt mit. It’s just the time that Manfred Knof noted “zeitnah” last time. Zugleich became Firmenkundenvorstand Michael Kotzbauer’s new Vize-Chief of the Bank. If the Wechsel-stattfinden soll, liess der Dax-Konzern attacks.

The Commerzbank-Aktie will cost in the medium term an amount of 1.12 Perzent auf 15.34 Euro and will be the best DAX-Values. If the UniCredit is used in large quantities for two weeks when the commercial bank is at war, the paper becomes smaller and smaller. Make sure that the content is gone.

While the Freitagabend can use the Bund as a large enterprise, it is a fact that there will be no other Commerzbank-Actieverkauffen. Daraufhin hadte das Papier am Monday zunächst deutlich verloren. If UniCredit has started on the money market, it is so that your financing instruments have grown from 9 to 21 percent of the shares, the power of the paper is as good as it can, but with a rapid abolition of the trading transactions. The service is performed if you want to do something.

The Orlopp department of the commercial bank chef became expensive, it would be that it would disappear. As a manager I have found an “ideal aftercare for the tip of the Commerzbank-gefunden”, such as the advisory board of Jens Weidmann. “Gerade in the flashy phase of the bank is a clear responsibility separated. My coarse grateful Manfred Knof, without this perseverance and strategic outlook the Bank is not again so hereditary that stand.”

Since September, the Frankfurter Geldhaus is open to the public, the Knof (59) has been closed until 2025, and the delay will continue. The Commerzbank has been active since 2021 and I have the Umbau vorangetrieben – together with the Abbau Tausender Stellen. Unter seiner Führung schaffte das Geldhaus die Wende en zijnzielte 2023 auch thanks der gestiegeneen Zinsen einen Rekordgewinn.

With the financing of the Italian Grossbank UniCredit, which, after the Commerzbank payment, put Germany’s largest private bank under Druck. Grossinvestors wie de Fondsgesellschaft Deka urgeen auf een zügige Klärung der Vorstandsfrage. In that critical phase of the Commerzbank Klarheit, this is ess.

The UniCredit war suddenly eclipsed in the coarse silence at the commercial commercial bank. With the first stock of 21 percent was the UniCredit with larger action of the institutions – for the Bund, of not even 12 percent of the Anteile stop. You can pay the UniCredit payments at a lower level, while you have already received an amount of 29.9 percent of the costs. There is an official bank for the commercial bank.

Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) has launched the Italian attack on an “unfriendly attack”. Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) has looked at the Commerzbank in the financial sector, a credit by the Italian UniCredit financing. “Das is een Angelegenheit vom Vorstand und Aufsichtsrat der Commerzbank”, how Lindner went about the question, was the Bundesregierung that came to power, one of the Italian Grossbanks.

UniCredit can take on the task of buying a bank, whereby the bank comes into the possession of Commerzbank. Andrea Orcel, the bank’s chef, died on a Bank of America bank. This is one of the most important cases that the Dialog of the Thema Commerzbank can help. The man has appealed to the Interessensgruppen (Stakeholder) of the Bank.

See Orlopp after a report of the “Financial Times” (FT/Mittwoch) without any doubt. If the arguments of UniCredit come about, the credit union of the commercial bank is a small and small German bank that can bring about an integration and an integration of both banks, while the situation is vertrustute personen van Blatt.

Orlopp galt schon long as heisse Kandidatin für die Nachfolge von Knof. De Bisheerde Vize-Vorstandschefin-arbeitet seit 2014 voor de Commerzbank en gehört since Herbst 2017 dem Vorstand an. This war is a partner at the Unternehmensberatung McKinsey. If you see the promotion of bets and mutters as a “real Seele”, your Karriere is first for the second war.

“I am happy with this respect, with respect, with great self-confidence and a reformed leadership team on the next day,” said Orlopp. “Wir has a strategy, which is great, can’t be great progress for us.”

Orlopp and Kotzbauer are busy offering an annual review, while Commerzbank has more attention. If the financing role is carried out, there is a selection process. For the transition period after the Stabübergabe, the role of the Finanzchefin in Personalunion was continued.

FRANKFURT (awp international)