
Hape Kerkeling over the relationship with King Charles

Hape Kerkeling over the relationship with King Charles

In his new book, Hape Kerkeling was enthusiastic, he is where “Willi Windzor” is. Zudem erzählt is een über seinen premier geliebten in Amsterdam en „the great drama“ seines Lebens.

Hape Kerkeling is a PR Genius. A week before the Veröffentlichung seines new Buchs „Gebt mir etwas Zeit“, das heute erscheint, enthusiastically in Interviews schon mal oneine sensationelle Neuigkeit: Demnach soll is der Urenkel of the British Kings Edward VII. (1841–1910) signal. Ausgerechnet is one of the most important things with a King-Beatrix parody in its collective property and in the Fernsehkomödie „Willi and the Windzors“, a vergessenen-Spross der Royals in deutschen Landen verkörperte.

Kerkeling concerns Ahnenforschung – and how blue Blut?

Kerkelings’ new book Hobby, der Ahnenforschung, is headstrong. If it is good, the lineage of one’s own family may well be worth following in the vergangenheit zurückzuverfolgen – a Leidenschaft, which the 59-year-old comedian and entertainer shares with many people. Where these statements may not occur so often, is that Tagelöhner, Bedienstete and Mägde, the born Recklinghäuser one of the best illustrate Kreis and Ahnherren aus. Allen saw the natural kingship of England. Dieser ist – so Kerkelings Überzeugung – der Vater seiner Ruhrgebiets-Grandma Bertha.

Who is affected by it? Nun, there is another way in which the Hinweis was financed, when Edward created a Kuraufenthalt in beautiful Marienbad in August 1903. „Seems like a child with a mother who was born with a lot of grief as an uneheliche Tochter ihrer Mutter Agnes was born.“ Were you going to have a Zufall glauben? Zumal in a woman from the bohemian Heimat seiner geliebten Grandma Bertha in a handgeschriebenen Shorts schon vor meer Zeit darauf hingwiesen hat, that Berthas Mutter blaublütiger Abstammung sei. After all: Ansprüche on the British Crown does not have Kerkeling. “My one power of Charles is Sache but bravorös!” The British Royal Court can have the chance to become.

Stammbaum enthusiastic: Kerkeling and the Dutch Oligarchs

Consider the royal history in the 370 pages that comprise a strong book, now an unordered scroll. Most of the time there is a Kerkelings-Vorfahren in the Netherlands, especially in Amsterdam, the city, with the same kind of children’s days “schicksalhaft verbunden” fühlt. Such an undertaking is of course not one of the most popular Matrosen, Käsehändler or Kneipenwirte Rifles, among the Kerkelings Recherche of the absolute Elite, for example of the Oligarchy of the Großkaufleute des niederländischen Goldenen Zeitalters. The basis for this is the author of the book title and the author is a portrait of Rembrandt’s father.

Zum Glück erzählt Kerkeling still lives forever. The fact is that it is a child who raises “Der Junge und die Fresh Luft”. At that time, Während was a bestseller filmed about suicide during depression. Mumble messages, breitet is nunmehr “das zweite large Drama” als Lebens aus.

The liberal Amsterdam: Zufluchtsort für Schwulenszene in the 1980s

Dieser Handlongstrang hat auch wieder a Verbindung zu Amsterdam. If you are in the 80s with a year ago 20 in Germany zum Fernsehstar wird, nowzt is yourde Opportunity, a night Amsterdam to the flight. In the liberal Metropole, Schwulsein may insult leben. 1987 Trifft is dry in a Club Seine Große Liebe Duncan: “The Lächeln in Kombi with the bright blue Augen quickly swings me into the Knee. O mein Gott, this is a beautiful man!” Before the first communal night, it is “schlecht voor Aufregung and Vorfreude, aber auch voor Angst”. This is the Hoch-Zeit von Aids. “I think about the way the Death Virus is dealing with me, and I analyze my own messages in parallel for more security flaws.”

After thinking about the concerns once, it is a wonderful inspiration – Duncan erweist sich als “unendlich lovable and zärtlicher Mann”. When I see “Petertje” a few messages from Tränen, it is clear that the HIV fear has been controlled. A frightening shock – the churchgoer is formed by the muss, when it is withdrawn by the food. “So as much time as possible I now spend with Duncan in Amsterdam. Later on I must always come back – well-launched – TV station destroyed. No idea, who is the damage. Inwardly the label and the night light are through a Hölle.” When the next test comes to an end – this test is negative – it is not that it is a “von göttlicher Gnade”. Duncan turned to Freude, if that is so.

Be afraid of the HIV virus

But now you have to worry about the rapid progress of the loss of time, your partners in life – the first steps of your illness during your time. “After my stay in Amsterdam I spent a lot of time in my own Düsseldorfer living environment.” After all, it is a bitter experience that the friendship of Duncan is abwenden. Part of the Corona pandemic is a fact that the time of the Leute will last, the existence of the Seuche will be light. A new arrival of the German father, Duncans Freund Kees at birth – now under the beds, the German partner (on the eifersüchtig) of the house is not involved.

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Hape Kerkeling describes these dramatic events in the field of youth, which reflects and lies. More than – and less-forward-fiction in silent historical Romans – how the book is made. Unterm Strich remains the author a recognition, which deals with many family subjects: “The German comes from the foreign country! Namely from all its neighbouring countries and adjacent regions. If you want to be so, the German is a Polish Dutchman from Milan with French and Swedish Großeltern from Bern, a Jewish aunt from St. Petersburg and a Serbian uncle from Vienna. “