
Schmankerl für zhause: Bavarian Reiberdatschi

Schmankerl für zhause: Bavarian Reiberdatschi

(ra) Cozy, golden yellow is found again and a real classic: Reiberdatschi. Die also als Kartoffelpuffer can be filled in Bavaria, where Occasion is served. In addition to festivals, night markets and exhibitions during the Oktoberfest, the Bavarian Schmankerl can be found every year. Because it is some clever combination – who wants to, a kartoffelpuffer cannot believe in Bavaria, but the Kartoffel-Marketing GmbH is convinced.

From the Böhmen in Europe: the first experiences that are multiplied and spread in the Czech Länder in their own country. – Photo: KMG/

September is here and the Oktoberfest season has begun in the world of Feiern na Munich. Zwischen Lederhosen, Dirndln und Bierkrügen consider Besucher*innen for Ort a typical Bavarian Leckereien. Was dabei niehlt: Reiberdatschi. The typical Bavarian Kartoffelfladen were made from the pastries of the Kartoffeln, fresh eggs and freshly baked, in buttery-malz or Öl ausgebacken and an easy-to-use and cozy serving. The name is based on the words “reiben” and “datschi” ab. This means that they will always be comfortable and comfortable. Servings were typically served with apple mush or again with sauerkraut or sauerkraut.

Kartoffelpuffer: in Germany faith, in Europe zuhause

Kartoffelpuffer no longer believes in Bayern. In Germany and in a number of German states in the Czech Republic, Bulgarians, Österreich and Poland, the cards are found in non-varied variants. Ursprünglich, the first Kartoffelpuffer vermutlich comes from Böhmen, the heutigen Tschechien. Make sure the “Bramboraky” is shown on the herd plates. The Reiben der Kartoffeln and the anschließende Braten zu flchen, cunusprigen Fladen war also for the ärmere Bevölkerung a practical and convenient method, and a nicer nahrhafte Mahlzeit zuzubereiten.

The fact is that the knowledge no longer exists in Europe. Seine Beliebtheit – all in Germany – says that it is the name of the verschiedene name, the kartoffelpuffer je nach regio erhalten hat. Whether Reibekuchen, Pfannkuchen, Backes, Klitscher, Dotsch or Detscher, it is always the best Kartoffelspeise.

At the Knolle it all comes down to

The potato puffer is still not a hit, but it seems that everything is in high spirits for party and celebration. But also for home, the Reiberdatschi is a homely dish, the most delicious of the whole family and I like to combine it with meat or fish. If the Kartoffelpuffer is at the Volksfest, it is a simple tip: pay attention to the right potato sort! The best thing about the best potato sort for dairy preparation is that it gets a strong shape and holds the shape when roasting and seduces the reiberdatschi with its characteristic texture.

Festzeltschmaus für Dahoam: Reiberdatschi zubereiten

For the preparation of a large dish with a sauberen Küchentuch auslegen. 500 Gram-festkochende kartoffelnwaschen, trocken tupfen, schälen and fine in de Schüssel hineinreiben. Mithilfe des Tuchs anschließend de Feuchtigkeit aus de geriebenen Kartoffeln pressen. Then the geriebenen Kartoffeln were placed in a Schüssel and mixed with an egg and two Esslöffeln Kartoffelstärke. A Zwiebel schälen and in fine Würfel schneiden and zu den Kartoffeln geben. Die Masse zum Schluss kräftig with Salz, Pfeffer and fresh fresh Muskatnuss würzen.

Nur nor Öl in een Pfanne auf mittlerer Stufe erwärmen. The Kartoffelmassa with an Esslöffel portions in the Pfanne is geben en zu goudbrunen Reiberdatschi ausbraten. If allowed, one of the most common problems may take its place.

Serviert were typical dishes with Apfelmus, Sauerkraut or Sauerrahm. The recipe is available online: Bavarian Reiberdatschi