
Österreich-Flug abrupt in der Luft abgebrochen – Passenger paintings chaotic Zustände

Österreich-Flug abrupt in der Luft abgebrochen – Passenger paintings chaotic Zustände

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A flight from Vienna to Menorca would bring vacation to Spain, would be aber abgebrochen. Airline and flight companies do not depict the Vorfall.

Vienna – A plane from Austria wanted to take its passengers to Spain. If you are going on holiday to the holiday island Menorca on 14 September, you will go on 14 September with the Austrian-Airlines-Maschine to the starting point – at the Flughafen Wien-Schwechat. Whoever is the best flight operator will have a problem with a sign, but then with the abbreviation of the Fluges-führte. It is very important that the German passengers travel on the way to Spain.

“Auffälliger Geruch”: Flight without delay after Start in Austria – Passenger wider distribution Airline

A speaker from Austrian Airlines (AUA) has presented the Austrian Luftfahrtmagazin Austrian wings: „The Cockpit Crew regarding Flug OS9515 on Mahon/Menorca from Wien reports when starting an upcoming Geruch, which deals with a ‘Smell’ Event, not a ‘Fume’ or ‘Smoke Event’. The crew started out as Vorsichtsmaßnahme nach Wien zurückzukehren. The reason why we are ready to start our war, we cannot continue.”

Note how the passage of the affected flutes in the conversation with the magazine is carried out. They would have been unlucky enough to experience such things as they had risen in the Flugzeug. Then the machine will be completely removed. The pilots left the Steilflug and the AUA-Flieger went to the Flughafen Wien-Schwechat.

The Capital of the Flugzeugs must ensure that the landing in one of the courses during a “Smell vorfall in Cockpit and Cabin” takes place and that as a ground for the Abbruch des Fluges is used. A Ryanair-Flug must walk a new country a few years ago.

“Two ‘Fume Events’ within a single month’ – Message about more information about affected machines

The affected flight from Vienna with an Airbus A320, the machine with the Kennung OE-LBK, is being dealt with. Austrian wings war dieser Flyer 2023 also in two more Vorfälle verwickelt. The speech was of “two ‘Fume Events’ within one month”. Auch das Portal Aviation Herald Hate davon messageet. Please note that this information is not available.

Was it a “Fume Event” in a Flugzeug?

Under the so-called “Fume Events” the movements in the Passage flight are performed, at the Schadstof (maximum load of the take-off and landing phase and at the “Lastwechseln” of the Triebwerke) in Aerosol-Form in the cabin-dependent. After the best results were achieved, the first time a problem was solved, manchmal sind sidoch nicht verifiable.

When the results of the problem occur, the symptoms can last longer and last longer. If you are aware of the problems and the consequences of a problem, there is a problem with weight, weight, weight, head, head, cramp, muskelschwäche, symptom, pain of weight and gangs, strong feeling and erbrechen gefühle, Heart rhythm disturbances, erhöhter Pulse, Thought -, Concentration- and Speech disturbances. (Quelle: Unabhängige Flugbegleiter Organization (UFO) eV)

Austrian-Airlines-Passagier paints chaotic scenes: “Haben keine bzw. unsatisfactory information and information“

After landing in Vienna, it is so that the AUA statements on personal ground have become the affected passenger. Laut Schilderijen der Fluggäste hereby recreated a chaotic situation. “We have no bzw at the beginning. Uninsured information about the Weiterflug is available. Also the hotel must be a self-organized organization, go on a trip in the conversation with Austrian wings An.

Airbus A320-214 OE-LBK of Austrian Airlines takes off and passes an aircraft
The Airbus A320-214 OE-LBK of Austrian Airlines has problems on a flight to Vienna on Menorca – and has to start taking off. © Depositphotos/Panthermedia/Imago

If the airline has given an answer to the question. “If you are a woman who takes a stronger flight during the Schlechtwetter- (Wind- and Starkregen-) trade, you will continue here part of the journey with the continued existence of air traffic control.” sentence.

Immerhin: Der Ersatzflug für die Spanien-Urlauber konnte am Folgetag abheben. The AUA-Flug with the Airbus A320, OE-LZC, a real reibungslos. The information is based on another Flug, with a machine removed from the starting line. (kh)