
Consideration for clinical reform: Quality assessment is taken into account

Consideration for clinical reform: Quality assessment is taken into account

Berlin. The most important parts of the joint Bundeschusses (G-BA) are the fundamental criticism of the Krankenhaus reform. Die in de Krankenhausversorgungsverbesserungsgesetz (KHVVG) vorgesehenen Regelungen im Ergebnis zu een “weitestgehenden Aushöhlung der evidencebasierten Qualitätssicherung and damit zu a drhenden Gefährdung der Patientensicherheit”, heißt es in der Stellungnahme von Professor Josef Hecken, Karin Ma ag and dr. Bernhard van Treeck told about the Anhörung im Gesundheitsausschusss am Mittwoch.

Abkehr von „prägenden Strukturprinzipien der GKV“

It is important to know more about the “structural principles of the GKV”, which in paragraphs 2 SGB V (Qualitation and Wirksamkeit) are also discussed in paragraphs 12 (wirtschaftlichkeit). With the KHVVG, the quality of the food is shifted and “Who” is displayed with “Ob” the Leistungserbringung in an “Eintrittskarte”. If the Bundesgesundheitsministerium adopts the decisions of the government and the government of the Leistungsgruppen and the quality of the quality criteria, this will happen. If the quality of the “Performance Benefits” is changed, it can no longer be the Regulation and Passage Allowance requirements that are included in the structural guidelines of the Fall G-BA.

G-BA als “korrigierendes Gegenweight” fiele aus

The effect that the plants have on themselves is best to prevent a Krankenhaus from having a pre-halt vergütung. Here was now a message and an indication of the quantity of a Leistung gehen, not even the quality. The safety and security of the quality levels is said to be “weitestgehend gegeben”, warn the main body G-BA-Mitglieder. “urgently correcting weights” are used to adjust the amount of food. Die Erfüllung der Aufgabe, das “Wie” der Qualitätssicherung zu gewährleisten, stelle der Gesetzentwurf jedoch in Frage.

The work with the setzentwurf of the Bürokratie is being carried out again. If you see a new Beschlussgremium, das Empfehlungen für neue Qualitätskriterien erarbeiten soll (Paragraf 135e Absatz 3 SGB V (neu)). The set of stones should be taken into account when it comes to construction, “without regard to the construction of the doppelstrukturen and the construction of the construction of the structures”, heißt es . (vst).