
Ampel power Lauterbach Druck roads Maskenbeschaffung

In the Beschaffung der Corona-Schutzmasken, the Ampelcoalition Druck on its own People’s Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) as well. With the impulses of the SPD, the Greens and the FDP, the House of Representatives wants to obtain the Regierung am Mittwochnachmittag-decision, the Prüfung über the von Lauterbach angestoßene internal Revision in the first phase of the pandemic that will take place soon. While parliament sits in the majority of the FAZ countries, the Bundestag enters into the negotiations as a bishop.

“The potential financial damage of the massive overrun by the damaging Health Minister Jens Spahn of the CDU in the amount of 2.3 billion euros has become heavy,” says the green Haushaltspolitiker in Paula Piechotta. If you are aware of the central meaning, while that of Lauterbach was planted, the light was brought into the unbridled festivities for the “Open House-Verfahrens”, through which “all Beschaffungsprozesses vollständig were prepared and the Parliament in the Untersuchung einbezogen world.”

The FDP director in the Haushaltsausschuss, Karsten Klein, spoke of a “massive overbeschaffung”, which would no longer be so bad given the damaging critical situation. Die vom Ausschuss geforderte umfangreichere Aufarbeitung diene dazu, in Zukunft besser vorbereitet zu sein and with Steuergeld sorgfältiger umzugehen. “They will be affected by the consequences, although no new delays in mask support will be accepted, as the Federal Government would respect the Stopp der Maskenbeschaffung decision,” says Klein. Um de Maskenkäufe in Frühjahr 2020 does not intend to introduce Lauterbach in July 2024 Margaretha Sudhof (SPD) as “Aufklärungsbeauftragte für die Maskenvorgänge”. The FAZ message was sent first.

Message until the end of the year

The Juristin Sudhof war against the State Secretary of Justice and Verteidigungsministerium gewesen. If Lauterbach had written a message a year ago, the bevaffungsverfahren for the masks (open house) from the Ruder would have been lief. Although there are no mixing limits in the einkauf, the price is high and the lager is so well filled that the war of the Ministerium is often caused by the consequences of the war. Days last 100 complaints, which in a few cases will be violated in the sin of love.

In the maßgabebeschluss vom Mittwoch begrüßen de Abgeordneten Sudhofs Einsetzung, Lauterbachs Auftrag stops and is for the inhalation and zeitlich to begin and show that it is opaque. If you continue the Bundesregierung until October this year, and insult the rightful basis of the Sudhofs mandate. Der Ausschuss also requires the “Gründe für die massive Überbeschaffung von Schutzmasken während of Coronapandemic (…) surrounding and transparent care and the Haushaltsauschuss a (Zwischen-)Bericht bis zum 15.01.2025 über die Ergebnisse vorzulegen”.

If the Prime Minister knows that there is a problem, he will also no longer use Lauterbach as an executive body, but the legislative power will also be expanded. If you get a message on the Sudhof-Bericht list about the gesamtprüfung of the mask construction. It is clear that the Ministry of Justice has prepared for the beginning of the pandemic. Indirectly it is about the sloppy Buchführung in the Gesundheitsministerium, the schon of the Bundesrechnungshof in the criticism of the overschieden Maskerbeschaffung angeprangert hadte. In this paper, it is written: “Entscheidungen und Entscheidungsprozesse (since) also in response to the additional information regarding documentation and such a clear inspection and additional processing time.”