
Bayern will use Fast Lanes for all Australian Job Abschlüsse

Bayern will use Fast Lanes for all Australian Job Abschlüsse

Years later, I come across a central testing facility in Bavaria that examines the recognition of prospective employers in all its aspects. “The general Fast Lane is coming. Although the cabinet in the cabinet of the Minister of the Forest could not start a new year for a year yet, said Labor Minister Ulrike Scharf (CSU) in Munich. See a central testing facility for your profession. From July 2023, there will be a detailed analysis for the portfolio – on this occasion, Bavaria will confront the thirty professional forces.

“This unique, efficient, unburdened and rapid management of the recognition procedures is urgently needed to bring people into work more quickly,” Scharf said. The bisherigen erfungen mit der Fast Lane zur Anerkennung ausländischer Berufsabschlüsse in der Pflege bestätigten the Staatsregierung therein, the Fast Lane auf possible all Berufsabschlüsse auszudehnen. “Digitalization and smart information are available at the Anerkennungsverfahren – who at the Fast Lane in the Pflege – so if you come once, the payment and payment obligations will not be fulfilled.”

Hermann: People come to the Labor Market with a lot of sweat

Bayern’s Innen- und Integrationsminister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) is concrete, that the Free State is responsible for the integration of Australian labor forces in the German labor market. “The social distribution of blame for the eight non-European asylum reforms has increased from 12,940 to 81,850 people in the last ten years, a sister of 533 percent.”

While the Ukrainian government bonds have a single sozialversicherungspflichtige description, the Russian Angriffskriegs start a rund 25,800 to 37,500 gestiegen, so Herrmann. «Those days are matured: Those people with a safe refuge are in a long-lasting working market.»

The Free State, which has elected the Ministers of the Interior with 74.8 percent of the best decisions of people with migration background and their new development (As of August 2024), is the most recent US Secretary of State, ebenso at the Australian woman (10.7 percent). Dennoch is still no Handlungsbedarf – all in Bavaria has 40,000 losses to Ukrainian and Refugees with the eight most important Asylherkunftsländern, who receive citizen money.