
Kreis is committed to digital innovation in health care

Kreis is committed to digital innovation in health care

If one of the useless companies uses the Veranstaltung of the Landkreises in the sector with the Kreisärzteschaft-dazu, this will no longer be the case. An important knowledge of the sale is the following: Existing digital applications can achieve the medical care and to the relief of the health certificates and the patient deposits.

Johannes Bader, from the Hausarzt in Hettingen and Winterlingen, has sent a message to the innovation day of his inheritance with an online terminservice tool. Der Meßkircher Hausarzt Thomas Herborn veranschaulichte die Möglichkeiten zur Entlastung von Hausärzten durch de Einsatz von weitergebildem nichtärztlichen Praxispersonal in Verbindung mit digital Anwendungen. And Sven Supper, Kinderarzt aus Pfullendorf, schaltete sich – ganz im Sinne der Digitisatie – per video-hinzu. The previous Praxis app with chat function and a digital answerer is used.

Another highlight of the Veranstaltung war was launched by the Landratsamts of the Digital Health Trucks of the Robert-Bosch-Stiftung, of the innovative technologies for health protection. In Truck components and digital medical equipment with stethoscope, EKG, dermatoscope, otoskop, wearables, VR glasses, digital health turns (DIGAs) and software systems, which are carried out in practice, are carried out. With electronic prescription, the electronic patient certificate and the video recordings can be performed live.

Landrätin Stefanie Bürkle concretes the smart digitalization for the merger of a similar activity in the general sector. A digital infrastructure is not that important, a medical care organization that is concerned with its implementation. Iris Weishaupt, Gesundheitsförderin des Landkreises Sigmaringen, and Dr. Ulrike Hart, Stellvertretretende Leiterin des Gesundheitsamts, stellten die Inhalte, Meilensteine ​​​​ und Project der Zweijährigen Förderung zur Stärkung der Primärversorgung in Landkreis Sigmaringen vor. Auch der Innovationstag Gesundheit wurde im Rahmen dieser Project duchgeführt.

Prof. Dr. Erwin Selg, Professor for Project, Prozess and Digital Health Management at the SRH Fernhochschule, Dr. Dr. Hans Peter Gruber of the Kreisärzteschaft Sigmaringen, Hausarzt Thomas Herborn and Gesundheitsförderin Iris Weishaupt prepare the Veranstaltung with a presentation on the stage.

I finally took all the initiatives to start the innovation internships for my idea. “The Veranstaltung will go through the practice of the network in the district and the medical care will continue again”, said and Herborn. (zz)