
ServusTV launches digital sports channel in 2025

ServusTV launches digital sports channel in 2025

ServusTV will start its own digital sports channel in 2025.

Ask David Morgenbesser, Chief Commercial Officer at Red Bull Media House, on Wednesday 31st of the Austrian media days in Vienna. The time has the private broadcaster Morgenbesser 46 sports rights. This woolly man is on a curated channel. If you are a Premiumsport man, he wants to be very strong on the national sport.

ServusTV has been investing in sports law for years. Zuletzt zeigte der Salzburger Privatsender den Großteil der Fußball-Europameisterschaft, ServusTV Rekordzuseherzahlen bescherte. Part of the transfer of private data to the ORF ab.

Once the Formel 1 is part of ServusTV with the ORF. A vacuum cleaner from motorsport crystallizes from the MotoGP or the DTM heraus. Schon jetzt nutzt ServusTV manche signaler Sportrechte ausschließlich in digital Raum.