
Sarah Lagger lies in a Facebook post

“I live in my summer as a trainer Victoria Schreibeis after three years. It is a matter of common understanding that both people who are concerned are since, erzählt Kärntens Mehrkämpferin Sarah Laggerwho now awaits a full New Start. Dementia-prone power at the age of 25, who works on a mandeling work, nails with heads and writes on Facebook Leichtathletiktrainer Attila Zsivoczky – and direct positive feedback. “If I haven’t thought of it, it’s so letztlich that it works. Anyway, the things in Vienna-Nähe are and Ungarn were perfect. I’ve had to deal with Attila with a wettkampf that deals with art and art, which is a great training.”

Somit’s for the Junior Weltmeisterin von 2016 coming weeks in the Hungarian Hauptstadt. “I have had one of the three training trials and became another one, with both having a kind of flaws. Then there is definitively an Entscheidung fallen,” concludes the Heeresleistungssportlerin, which was teased out in the letzten immer wieder von Rückschlägen (Knochenmarködem im Bereich des fünften Lendenwirbels, Hautpilz und Corona).

High-quality training location

The tension on the chance in Ungarn is for the Rothenthurnerin ‘riversig. In the existing Training group is a team player a Zehnkämpfer. It is optimal and a high class Trainingsumfeld. There are a few training states here and Budapest, but it is still a cool city. Könnte mich schlimmer komen.“

Coming Saison soll für Lagger, there is a personal bestleistung at 6225 Punkten, the Weltmeisterschaft in Tokyo in September zum Highlight. The 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles were a tragedy.