
Improphil Lucerne – 25 Jahre Stegreiftheater

Improphil Lucerne – 25 Jahre Stegreiftheater


Since 25 years you have been there for the Stegreif

«Improphil» plays, sings, enlightens itself and learns from the guidance of the long-awaited Publikums: ohne Drehbuch, with fell Drive.

Improphil 2007 in der Zwischenbühne Horw with Nicole Lechmann, Reto Bernhard, Randulf Lindt, Maël Stocker, Peter Estermann (Piano, from left).

Improphil 2007 in der Zwischenbühne Horw with Nicole Lechmann, Reto Bernhard, Randulf Lindt, Maël Stocker, Peter Estermann (Piano, from left).

Image: zvg

If you play the “Theatersport” of the Improtheater classics on the program of the casinos, you can let “Improphil” go to the three anniversary shows. For 25 years now, “Improphil” has been called improvisational theater, a floundering art, which is known for its enthusiasm and spontaneity.

Every Show is interactive and will often be played with publications, and also with spontaneous performances, which form the inhalation. If you have a situation command, you must have the very best Unterhaltung-sorgt. It is fascinating to see how the ensemble from the Stegreif plays a Szene, sings, sings, that it is in all positions verrent, schwitzt and dabei noch schlagfertige Sprüche raushaut is. It is everything that is improvised, there is no Drehbuch, the spontaneous games, with a lot of Drive and nichts is heavier, if it is no more Raum is that you have been.

Ensemble Improphil 2023 with Reto Bernhard, This Wachter, Jimmy Muff, Gunter Lösel, Nicole Erichsen, Simon Kessler, Randulf Lindt, David Bokel, Christian Riesen (from left).

Image: zvg

Am 15. November 1999 in Lucerne as Verein gründet

Before the Jubiläums-Wochenende meet with Reto Bernhard, 55, that is still an active Gründungsmitglied. The Theaterpädagoge, Schauspieler, Theaterdozent and Kulturveranstalter work at Improphil as Schauspieler, Moderator and Trainer. This war lasts 16 years. Leader and production manager. It appears: «Improphil was created on November 15, 1999 as a group of Benno Lottenbach, Nora Zimmermann and Ursula Hildebrand in Lucerne. By placing such theater-interested people who were available, the freedom of investment and a professional approach to the craft of Improtheaters was learned.”

There was to be a casting in the first Improphil-Ensemble that was released. The data were zwölf Leute. I am Wesemlin-Treff probably a year busy. Then you first follow your stay at the Hotel Löwengraben. «It bespielten with fortan monatlich an zwei Evenenden die Bühne», remembers there. «It has been a long time to make a conscious analysis of our art part. Gerade also in der vrije Szene. Situated where you profit from an unnoticed number of events, the public starts cooking. This component can be so beautiful when it comes to reading and working.»

When Haltung had developed his performance know-how, it was very likely that an improv theater presentation of his work would be presented. «Heute since die Vorbehalte longest überwunden», Weiss Reto Bernhard. «Neben de öffentlichen Bühnenshows sind wir mit Improphil in Bereichen der angewandten Improvisatietätig. We offer massive business theater, workshops for team building, training for schools and for NGOs. Our Tätigkeiten are a long-term answer.” If you are in the Schweiz Mittlerweile, there are 70 existing Impro-Theater groups; most in Zurich.