
When the new Häfler OB gets a new impetus

When the new Häfler OB gets a new impetus

Klamme Kassen, jede Menge Wochenendtermine, broad-breasted Gemeinderäte, ever critical Citizens – the Job of the Oberbürgermeisters a 65,000-Einwohner-Stadt ist schon an sich kein Zuckerschlecken. In Friedrichshafen, a major packaging responsibility is still under discussion.

They are the OB qua Amtes auch Vorsitzender of the communal Zeppelin-Stiftung. And the majority of the time has been spent at Autozulieferer ZF (170,000 Mitarbeiter) and at Baumaschinen-Händler Zeppelin (10,000 Mitarbeiter). The City Manager functions as an Influssreicher Aufsichtsrat in both Konzernen.

Amtsinhaber Andreas Brand tritt nicht meer an

Trotzdem (or other removed) is one of the candidates who has made the next step of the Amtsinhaber Andreas Brand (parteilos), which has not taken place before. Go to the first Wahlgang.

Not that all aspiring members brought this, was the man who wooed an OB-Candidates. So view of the 66-year-old Schlosser Dieter Baldauf and ZF-Mitarbeiter Rocco Granato (48) complete on own Wahlkampfveranstaltungen. The quality of the quality and the real estate agent Frank Schmid (born 1967) and the colleague Franz Eduard Gruber (61) became an opportunity.

Two Administrative Professionals

Our favorite gilts are: Johannes Henne and Simon Blümcke. Henne (37 years old, recognized with the blessing of Frau Emma Henne, Vater zweier Kinder, CDU-Mitglied) is a young mayor in Immenstaad, at the end of the seaside resort of Friedrichshafen with 6700 Einwohnern. Blümcke (49, heir of Mann Christian Schilling, member of the Freien Wähler in the Kreistag) started a new year as Erster Bürgermeister in Ravensburg.

Fundamentally it is important that both do nothing. Both come from the bourgeois beer, geben sich in Wahlkampf (naturally) bürgernah and spare nothing with versteckter and a number of criticisms of the Amtsinhaber. Andreas Brand, who after the second Wahlperioden the gilded manchen as his new Zahlenmann, has sat on all themes of his own Daumen-drauf-hat.

Später Start in den Wahlkampf

The chances of Markus Werner are tough bets. The 56-year-old engineer and ex-engineer started in the Wahlkampf, got to know the Wirtschaftskompetenz and know how to find a place on the Gemeinderat for the “Network for Friedrichshafen” in the Frühjahr process, a group that does that blichen Parteienpositionierung, conjure up.

Würde Werner was one of the two Bürgermeister in one of the cases Beobachtern erwartete Stichwahl on 13. October einziehen, where it was a big excess. If the Wähler after a downfall of the Wahlrechts in the zweiten Wahlgang only nor both comes out of the closet, dies in the first run that gets the most stimuli, but it has never been so good. Manche stops Urnengang Number eins – so who früher – for a better Meinungsumfrage.

Even so, the new OB von Friedrichshafen is in charge, and the 1500 council workers who work there will be able to work well together. The community and medical clinic will come to an end at the end of 2023 from the Schlagzeilen. The ZF foundation in the Krise was not even one of the most important financial institutions of the city, which had a great dividend, but also other things. Wobei auch Flughafen und Messe schon bessere Tage gesehen haben.

280,000 Euro Aufsichtsratsantiemen

It takes a long time before the ways of the astronomical world of the OB of Friedrichshafen are one of the stars. A monetary yield of an amount of 13,000 euros plus family affairs is of course money, but certainly only a brute dessen, was in the chef of the city with regard to the foundation trust that deserves.

There was not even 280,000 euros per year brought in by the inspection mandates, for everything at ZF and Zeppelin. Davon only darf der OB paid 9600 euros, which has been adjusted. The rest wandered around in the Stadtkasse.