
Grüne-Jugend-Vorstand tritt aus Partei aus

Grüne-Jugend-Vorstand tritt aus Partei aus

It is a green firecracker and a tag: Na de Rücktritt des Parteivorstands zurück sich auch de Spitze des Jugendverbands zurück.

The Bundesvorstand der Grünen Jugend will be closed by the Partei Austreten and at the Bundeskangress des Jugendverbanden in October, there are no more candidates. It is possible to get to know the Kreis by the chefs Svenja Appuhn and Katharina Stolla nach-online-information in a short and concise part and the Fraktionsspitze. Zuerst berichteten “Table.Media” and “Münchner Merkur”.

“You all have marked, that is the conflict Swiss green party and green youth in the last years while further Zugespitzt have”, he is the messages that appear in the Schreiben. If the expenses were made by the federal government for the Bundeswehr, the Conflict became one of the members of the Braunkohleorts Lützerath, the Verschärfungen in the Migration Policy and the Streit a Bundeshaushalt.

The Bundesvorstand der Grünen Jugend is the first to spend a year in the Amt. The chefs and chefs are criticized for the politics of the Grünen in the direction when they are so German.