
Neuenhainer Herbstmarkt – an Erfolgsgeschichte

Neuenhainer Herbstmarkt – an Erfolgsgeschichte

Neuenhain (Sc) – Before we were 31 years old, I went on Saturday, October 2, 1993 in Neuenhain – under the Regie des Neuenhainer Gewerbevereins – the first Neuenhainer Herbstmarkt statt. With that “Startschuss” began the history of a new traditional tradition, which is no longer so high.

If you are in the Haupt- and Schulstraße in Neuenhain, the market is described in the core of the world over the years and you are convinced that trade, crafts and industry are one of the most important things surrounding the fair and children’s program.

Technical support of free functions and the Obst- und Gartenbauvereins (OGV) has been carried out for many years with a program that is its original Gemüse-Tombola, which is the greatest faith of the years. Die Neuenhainer and his guest “liebten” de Treiben op “ihrem” Herbstmarkt sehr, so dass in de Folgejahren sogar eine Bühne aufgebaut wurde, auf der es Modenschauen, Tanzeinlagen and Livemusik gab. In 1996, the first Shuttle Bus Eingesetzt, one of the Bürgerinnen and Bürgern Altenhains and Bad Sodens on the Markt, such a Parkplatzstress zu ermöglichen. Später wurde der Buspendelverkehr zeitweise sogar auf de Orte Sulzbach und Schwalbach ausgeweitet.

The story about the history of history, the Schwalbacher Straße as a market surface and in the year 1999 were sold on 123 stands at the herb market. The Angebot is a Tombola that has received an attractive price of the new possibilities of the Verfügung that have been developed. There are all kinds of problems and actions that can be considered at the herb market, so that you can take the trouble to plan and all kinds of problems that Federvieh experiences.

If you write more, it is about the annual sale of the herb market, which now has an old annual market and war damals DAS Herbst-Ereignis in Neuenhain. Mittlerweile hatte das Team Katja Gauf und Hermann Collischonn de Organization federführend übernommen en zeichnete, gemeinsam met dem Gewerbeverein, voor de Findung der “Herbstmarktgläser” responsible, which is a real Sammlerobjekt among the Besuchern avancierten.

As a sports highlight of the market can be achieved by the city’s bill in the year 2010. Damals have their sports teacher all alternative classes in a row of süwag in the Disziplinen “Radfahren”, “Rudern” and “Laufen” knife. Soul wars, in one of the previous times fell away, zurückzulegen wie possibile. A leistungsfähige Mannschaft, besthend aus Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern der Drei-Linden-Schule und der ansässige Sportvereine schafften, angefeuert von de Besuchern, am Ende den 4. Platz der Gesamtwertung all teilnehmenden Städte. The kilometers traveled are turned around in the “bare Münze” and – whoever spends their time – get a good Zweck zugute.

As a “black year” the year 2013 has entered the Annals of the Neuenhainer Herbstmarktes, since its first start in 1993 the market, on the grounds of the Renovation of the Hauptstraße, must have fallen out. If you are aware of the Beverein no longer in the Lage, the Neuenhainer Herbstmarkt continues to be organized and the OGV must ensure that the largest gesetzlicher ensures that you set the best Gemüse-Tombola. For a year the herb bones for the herb market – if the newcomer no longer works, the herb market dares to become a bit “sterben”. In one of the association cases that dams are decided, the market is now itself an organization and organization of the Heimatgeschichtsvereins Neuenhain eV that a Klaus Plösser-overnahmen during the year 2014 who has run this Aufgabe. After two explorations and illegitimate secret herb markets in the following generations, the new organizers can come to 3. Make sure that the Wetter-war continues and that the Neuenhainer on the herb market in the best way on the market – so, if there is no known true. After further road construction projects (2016 the Schwalbacher Straße was closed) stand in the year 2017 – and in the following years – finally again the entire core area for the popular Herb Market for the Conquest.

Now more years later, in the federation of the organization and the demolition of the new herb market, Klaus Plösser, and damn the Heimatgeschichtsverein Neuenhain eV, has placed the Verhörtwortung for the market and those years in the Hand of the City. “I have in the future the car owner tomorrow from the Federn ringed and single-handedly the Standplätze auf dem Boden eingezeichnet”, recalls Klaus Plösser and the first years, in an einsatz war. “We have damals perhaps once taken in hand and examined, a practical solution to the problem that you can find – it is a sum of more rightful leaders who will never have power again.” hat, verweist Klaus Plösser on the zunehmende Alter and the Tatsache, that “the young people” is now mal am Zuge seien. That is a job in the making that she has insulted for years, which is the best way to live in Zweifel, while the city of Bad Soden is the best cutlery concept in a larger offer and the market in the bisheriger Tradition nun weiterführen.