
Zu Gast at high Oktoberfest with the special atmosphere

Zu Gast at high Oktoberfest with the special atmosphere

Falkenstein (as) – The fine sound of the mandolin and the lukewarm brass music are gehen at the Falkensteiner mandolin hand in hand. It is a good idea to organize the Oktoberfest in Bürgerhaus Falkenstein for a year with Herzblut and know-how. It is the first season in Königstein, it is anyway the best – it starts now with the beer on the Münchener Wies, and for those 8 Franken, who with the installation of the party of the machine, it is anyway ‘schöner as the original’ “. Gute Gäste is like that, this is together with 14 women and men a Franken, and a Seitenhieb nach Oberbayern is perhaps so much fun.

Gute Gast is at the Oktoberfest on October 15th. The Oktoberfest starts in the year 2007 (with three years of Corona break). You can quickly get into Dirndl and Lederhosen – Ehrensache. “You are all class out”, says the association chairman Michael Danzer at his greeting to the “fünften Jahreszeit”. Yes, the guest comes over and says that it is time to make Polonaise during the Bürgerhaus ein. The mood is best when the Frankenliedermarsch is blown and then the “Goldenen Trompeten” is played. Ganz has become the bourgeois house that has only just become, the hints have become quite healthy, but the Mandolinen-Club is fried with 300 sold tickets. As the war spread, he often went to the tickets for the following years, man Brauchte Connections, one of his purchases, was for the Verdruss-sorgte. Aber man becomes more modest at the time. “We were skeptical after the Corona-Pause, but we were not happy with it”, wrote the author Jürgen Schnöbel and asked for the “Oktoberfest festival”, which was a good time. “As a Premium Installation, set in the Ambiente, our customer is more than happy.”

If you enjoy the festival of the beer garden ambiente with the original Bayerische Speiseangebot with Weißwürsten, Schweinsbraten with Knödeln and Kraut or Obazda, first entitled to 9 Euro for a Maß Helles zum Tegernsee – welcome to the Wiesn in diesem Jahr first Spitzenpreise of more as 15 Euro to be topped up. Yes, that’s okay, that’s the Mandoliner and that’s Oktoberfest! „Wir wollen gute, anspruchsvolle Musik machen, aber die Geselligkeit wird ebenfalls hochgehängt“, bring a Schnöbel at the Punkt and remember a Feste der Mandoliner for 60 years in the Taunus Kliniken (heute Grand Kempinski) and später in a Festzelt „Unter den Eichen “ – until the Oktoberfest for 17 years in the Evangelische Gemeindesaal with 50 guests joining us for a lifetime in Falkenstein’s “Gud Stubb” wechselte.

Longest see all of Falkenstein at the Fest mit. These two products were built 25 pieces with the help of the “heart core” of the Mandoliner-Vorstandes work from the start. The Gesellschaftliche Ereignis is broken down into the cupboard that is filled with high musical leadership and some investment in the Jugend. The Society, there is still a traditional celebration on November 30th, and the year will last for 100 years. Best wishes with a special event on January 25th, if you are very happy, you will also join the Musikschule with a young group of young people and support, erzählt Jürgen Schnöbel during a break.

When I leave the Stimmung, I go to the Kraftproben: the Baumstamm-Sägen with a Trummsäge for the Zweierteam and the most important quarters. The Ritter of Königstein has had a good time, and the mayor of Jessica I. sits, a ganze Pokalsammlung-aufgebaut, which has a double title delay.

If you want to get to know other people: After a passionate camp war with the „Falkensteiner Kampfgeschwader“ with the wise it was faster, and at the mass krug learning the „Hockeybuam“ were the best handsome before the Frauensteiner team „Herzdamen“ and the Königsteiner Rittern. Here the zehntelsekunde must be carried out on the individual plates, so that the mandolin can be assembled. In the Krug, electrician Thomas Fischer has a Schwimmer with an electric contact-eingebaut, one of the smallest Abstände at Trinktempo ermitteln zu können. If it is serious, the club also inherits Olympic Ansprüche.

Danach is with the Partyband Extrem, who is on Tanz in the May period of the Stimmung-sorgt, nur noch abfeiern and Helles vom Tegernsee genius – half a zwei in the Frühe.

Now that I was not a fan of it, I would not be able to get rid of it at all: I am more than happy with the results of a strong man’s arm, with his Holzhammer the mitgelieferten Kunststoff-Zapfhahn in das von de Bürgerhaus-Wirten styftte Fass zu treiben. Auch der am Geburtstag von Bürgermeisterin Beatrice Schenk-Motzko angetretene und bekanntermasen right beschlagene Erste Stadtrat Jörg Pöschl hatte keinen Erfolg. After having his mayor Leonhard Helm say from the mayor’s house, “that’s a big deal,” while Michael Danzer witzeled, he must have had a good idea to say to a shy representative who “It’s not o’zapft” . The Fass van de Konkurrenz-Brauerei Augustiner wurde anstatt auf der Bühne an der Anlage ausgezapft en das Freibier per Tablett in de Reihen verilt. Solche kleineen Pannen are slower than the Stimmung bij en sogen für Geschichten, die in Erinnerung bleiben.