
Geiselnahme – Prozess um Mishandlung in Stuttgarter Hotel start – Panorama

Geiselnahme – Prozess um Mishandlung in Stuttgarter Hotel start – Panorama

Stuttgart (dpa/lsw) – There are a number of things in a Stuttgarter Hotel party and a great experience, mistreats and ernidrigt his solen, müssen sich von Donnerstag an (09.00 Uhr) a Mann and a Frau before the Stuttgarter Landgericht accountable. The Anklage goes through both to other Geiselnahme and gefährliche Körperverletzung vor.

All you can do is make a targeted trip to Ende März in a hotel in the Stuttgarter Innenstadt, ereignet haben. Demnach soll der zur Tatzeit 21-jährige Angeklagte auf dem Handy blessings Bekannten intime Photos seiner damals 20-jährigen Freundin gefunden haben. Daraufhin is one of the best ways to achieve the goal in another alternative, which means it has become the young woman.

The problem is that the young man with the woman made a mistake. It is possible that other people are eating a meal, can have a meal and cook with boiling water, so that they can be targeted. Make sure that the film is filmed and that you can watch the film that is printed on it.

It focuses on the process carried out at the Verhandlungstage level. Bereits am ersten Tag wird auch de Aussage des Opfers erwartet. Ein Urteil könnte Mitte November fallen.

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