
Hedgefonds-Milliardär mit düsterer Forecast: “If Kamala Harris wins, I will put my money on the market” | 26.09.24

Hedgefonds-Milliardär mit düsterer Forecast: “If Kamala Harris wins, I will put my money on the market” | 26.09.24

• Kamala Harris hat Steuererhöhungen vorgeschlagen
• John Paulson warned of a possible recession
• Hedgefonds-Milliardär will become the Harris-Sieg Seine Aktien-veräussern

The Wirtschaftspolitik played out in the US-Wahlkampf a herausragende Role. It is no longer possible to separate the program of the democrats and the republicans. When the first time you create a message, a huge amount of attention is paid to the independence of foreign countries.

Non-hat of the republican candidate Donald Trump prominent support from the Wirtschaftslager has been: Hedge fund Millarder John Paulson, of the Ruhm lang, weil has become very important through the Subprime Mortgages in the year 2007, who has given the Steuerplanne of Kamala Harris a critical review.

Ensure better tax levels

“I would like Harris to make a plan of action and other economic plans, that he wants to buy more,” the investor said on the FOX Business broadcast “The Claman Countdown.”

Paulson began his life when Trump left the US government in 2017, giving Harris the opportunity to continue. On Harris’s behalf, he received a body tax rate of 21 to 28 percent, as well as a capital gains tax rate of 20 to 28 percent.

A critical look at the Harris vorgeschlagene-steuer of 25 percent of realized profits for private individuals with a net profit of 100 million US dollars or more. Sollte sie diesen Plan tatsächlich lignewirklichen, dann befürchtet Paulson, die dies “zu Massenverkäufen von fast allem führen würde – Aktien, Anleihen, Häusern, Kunst – ich Denke, es würde zu a Einbruch der Märkte and a sofortigen, zemlich Schnellen Rezession führen”, warn the Milliardär.

What is the reason I am asking you for help?

There was a warning against the resolutions of the Gründer and the President of Family Office Paulson & Co., who announced the CNBC broadcast of “Money Movers”. All CNBC has done at that time is that US President Kamala Harris has appointed US President Joe Biden to make a 25-percent tax that has not been realized by a house with a certain purpose Annual income of at least 100 Million US Dollars – Before you start, you have the people who no longer see the Campaign, but Harris has no interest in a tax that has never been realized, but he himself is in the Rennen one of the highest state offices. Others are vulnerable, while the Congress program is a decision-making value at all.

Paulson will close Aktienpositionen

Paulson, a political economist of Donald Trump and in the fall of the Wahlsieg wife of the largest US Treasury Secretary, who is included in the FOX broadcast, is a self-proclaimed mass who is very afraid, so the democrat who Wahl-won: “I think that, If Harris wants to work, I want to get my money out of the market, while I invest in money and gold, while I think the world is on the market, it is a big challenge to fill the market and purify the market. senken würde.”

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