
On the Lütisburger Windrädliweg who knows Berufswelt

Circular walk

The windrädliweg is a path to the gorge in Tufertschwil, where Wanderinnen and Wanderern are an artistic place in the Berufswelt

Sweizweit sind Windräder is unnoticed. If you are on the Windradliweg from Lütisburg after the Tufertschwil and a Chapf starts, you will find all kinds of Turbinen. This energy production can no longer be continued, while the credit by credit institutions is converted into the poor energy.

Information about hiking

Start and Soul: Bus stopelle Lütisburg Dorf
Dashes: 5.6 km
Travel time: 1 Std. 40 minutes (Posten nicht eingerechnet)
Getting on and off: 179 meters
Sensitivity: light
Equipment: The Streck around the Chapf is a pram-friendly (ab Restaurant Rössli)
Guesthouses: Restaurant Rössli, Restaurant Mamma Mia, Restaurant Pöstli, King Imbiss
Public traffic: By bus from Bütschwil (Linie 768) or Flawil (Linie 767). Achtung: Un Regelmässiger Busbetrieb – Letzistrasse roads Hangrutsch auf unabsehbare Zeit geperrt
Parking spaces: free Parkplace at Hotel Restaurant Rössli

The hike around the Chapf in Lütisburg starts in the Zentrum des Dorfes. The ground of a suspension bridge is a part of the stretch that is closed at an incomprehensible time, we will inform hikers and walkers about the opaque Anreisemoglichkeiten so that they can inform themselves. The entrance is possible from Bütschwil (bus line 768) and Flawil (bus line 767). If the stroller wanders around, you can travel by car and start the tour at Hotel Restaurant Rössli in Tufertschwil.

1. Bus Stopelle Lütisburg Dorf

Ab der Bushaltestelle Lütisburg Dorf has been ripped off in Flawilerstrasse. De Abzweigung über de Birkenweg führt zur Bergstrasse, von der es bergaufwärts zum Lütisburger Weiler Tufertschwil geht. Here you can take a first look at the Wanderung das Toggenburger Panorama – with a wonderful view of the Toggenburgerbahn route: the Guggenlochbrücke.

A small wooden bridge is a visit to the Hotel Restaurant Rössli in Tufertschwil. On the way there – before the farm “zom Aaluege” – it is possible that both Windrädli are attracted. If you are at the farm yard, you can view artistic wooden figures in Windrädli houses with information tables, which are no longer functional.

The Bauernhof «zom Ahluege» is one of the ways you can live and get to know the work in agriculture.

The Bauernhof «zom Ahluege» is one of the ways you can live and get to know the work in agriculture.

Image: Davide De Martis

2. Hotel-restaurant Rössli

Starting point for motorcyclists and motorcyclists: the Hotel Restaurant Rössli.

Starting point for motorcyclists and motorcyclists: the Hotel Restaurant Rössli.

Image: Davide De Martis

Ab dem Restaurant Rössli offers a variation on the Windrädliweg. First walk around 45 minutes, last walk around 3 hours. If you come across something in the middle and not on the stroller-free path, it is a bit more of a surprise. An ornithology and a restaurant that is located on the Spielplatz is located on the «Rössli» in the direction of the Dorfkäserei.

To the table

Bergsicht and Angus Beef in «Rössli» Tufertschwil

A piece further above the windmill road crosses the Comic Road. It is not long now, it takes a long time, one of the Spongebob and Patrick or Donald Duck routes begins. Here begins the roundabout with the head.

3. Grill area Windrädliweg

When you leave the restaurant, one of the grill stations can be strong.

When you leave the restaurant, one of the grill stations can be strong.

Image: Davide De Martis

Start with the Waldweg if you have a grill set. Then you may have an extraction system. Wanderinnen and Wanderer waählen den Wählen here, der Recht leicht abwärts führt (auch am Windrädli zu acknowledge, that is dort steht).

If you go through the forest, then it is Weiden with Weitblick – the Aussicht is no longer as good as you can. The Landwirte has bitten here on a Schild-day, Hunde and der Leine are lassen and the Kühen and Kälbern no longer come so. If the Blick is a problem, then it may be that this is a problem.

4. Alternative

Traktor und hüglige Landschaft – Swissness is a matter of daily travel.

Traktor und hüglige Landschaft – Swissness is a matter of daily travel.

Image: Davide De Martis

This Wanderweg goes beyond the Kuhherden and other Windrädli through the Weiler Altegg. Sowohl Bauernhäuser as a landscape adds his classic Swiss idyll.

Bald and clean end of the road. If the car gets angry, go to Bergstrasse to Hotel Restaurant Rössli.

5. Bus Stopelle Lütisburg Dorf

In the Dorfkern of Lütisburg, Wanderinnen und Wanderer auf die letzten Figuren meet.

In the Dorfkern of Lütisburg, Wanderinnen und Wanderer auf die letzten Figuren meet.

Image: Davide De Martis

Everything, the ÖV nut, can form a dense path that the Aufstieg from Lütisburg to Tufertschwil nutzen or the small Wanderweg to the Lütisburger Dorfzentrum leads. Here you will not see any view of the Toggenburger panorama above the rauschenden Necker.

Before you wander around, you can use the Wetterverhältnisse, Wegbedingungen such as ÖV-Verbindungen or Restaurant-Öffnungszeiten-prüfen. Your person is self-aware of his own security responsibility.