
More information: Who functions in the solar energy?

More information: Who functions in the solar energy?

It’s no secret: Flachdächer can go crazy. You can use a photovoltaic installation under your own power and own solar energy. Or a Pflanzen waiting to weld, by two sons here is Steinwüste. Practical: It is often not necessary to separate the PV-Anlage and the bepflanzten Gründach. Both are the least realized, somehow.

Solar gründach nennt itself this error. Dann turned out to be a little place for Solar module on the Dach bridge, said Annika Dobbers, referent at the Verbraucherzentrale NRW. It’s a good idea to do this. Etwa für die Leistung der PV-Anlage. “Pflanzen kühlen PV-Anlagen, die sich im Summer, wenn die Sonne darauf shine, aufheizen, und, wenn sie zu heiß be, nicht mehr so ​​fell Ertrag Bringen”, says Dobbers.

And for the Auswahl and Pflanzen, the man who can bring Dach, the ambiguity in his Gutes can happen. “Because the solar module has a part of the roofs has been estimated. That is so, I can make more unhealthy plants and plants. Also so well, which are appropriate for sun as well as so well for half-treasures and treasures”, says the consumer protector. Davon profits from insects and birds, which an uninterested plant-bevorzugen – and let them letztendlich on the Artenvielfalt.

It all comes down to statistics

Another Pluspoint, which is also suitable for the Abdichtung des Flachdachs: The stop Dobbers follow with a understanding of the Dach namlich ungefähr zweibis three so long who ohne. A Gründächer can rely on Mikroclima, which means that Luft is compensated by the dilution costs in his undisputed situation. At Starkregen the canalization is seized.

Klingt-gut. Do you have a good idea if you realize a useful mix-tatsächlich? Here a small piece of the Dachs plays a role. The Dobbers go 5 degrees further when the solar module is installed in the last part of the mounting system.

And then of course it is a statistic. Finally, a square meter Gründach can be charged at the NRW consumer center up to 180 kilograms heavy, if there is water in the eyes. If the weight of the solar module is not greater, a load limit can arise – or even become greater. If a solar panel is placed on the house or garage, the static siege of the roof (and also in the construction support units) will be tested in the Blick-nehmen or a Fachbetrieb of the Dachs statistic. For smaller homes in the Fertigbauweise with Fertiggaragen, Garden houses or Carports, you will find man information about maximum roof load in the Herstellerangaben.

Avoid Selling

If you have the power, whoever with a solar energy on the run, everything can be. If you are at the Pflanzenauswahl-klug, it can not be that you have ended up on the Dach after the Rechten, if it is an ordinary Gründach der Fall: Laut Floats and zweimal in the year. And then for everything, an undesirable Unkräuter and Plants exude, which has über Samen angesiedelt and is higher than 30 Zentimeters wax. You can estimate the solar modules – and thus increase the life of the module.

Overhead: 30 Centimeter. The more solar panels are used on the solar energy, it is not possible to replace the bottom of the PV module. And if that is the case, Annika Dobbers says that she is “soulfully robust” and has received a small thing. “Otherwise, man may all few weeks on the roof”. If all goes well, the plants go with the tropics clear, with wind and frost – and with few additives. Statistics in the garden or flower boxes are simply carried out in a relationship and the subsoil is no longer adjusted.

It is good to know that the Dobbers find some of the best ways to cook or be a herb with Thymian. The Verbraucherzentrale NRW is on the website a suitable plant list for solar gründächer for download. Here you will not find any light for unhealthy light distribution, but with different colors and extinguishing water – everything with a straight light Wuchshöhe.

Possible support

How much does it cost to become a solar nun? It naturally depends on the jewelry you want to buy, on the elaborate plants, the beautiful colors, the jewelry of the solar module. Annika Dobbers has with a college a calculation for an 18 square meter large Garagendach made – and a price of 1,800 euros for the start of the dachs during a fachbetrieb errechnet. For the PV setup with three kilowatt peak power, the capacity can then amount to 4,800 euros. “For everything together there was a price of 6,600 euros”, so the Expertin. An unfiltered house number can naturally vary.

The good Nachricht alldings: Sowohl für Solaranlagen as well as for Dachbegrünungen gibt es Fördermittel. So during the installation of a solar energy project, a number of cities and municipalities were affected, with the Verbraucherzentrale NRW on your website information. The EEG-Gesetz project was financed by solar energy.

About us: Never has a solar energy source become a fragment of its own devices. In Hamburg, 2027, solar gründächer für Neubauten and Dachsanierungen were introduced, the best of which could yield the best results. (dpa)