
Mental health problems in young adults: Recognizing and dealing with them

Mental health problems in young adults: Recognizing and dealing with them

In youth, man has taken the highest risks, mentally he is sick. The good news: In this phase of life the chance will pass, wieder gesund zu werden.

The Youth is an intensive phase that can take place.

The Youth is an intensive phase that can take place.

Jeff Greenberg / Photo Library RM

That first love. Wilde Feten at Freunden zu Hause. Am Wochenende bis mittags schlafen. It is possible to experiment and decompose. That’s Jugend.

But also that: Pressure, to pack the school. Enthushed love. If you are funny in your own kitchen, then it is so that you are a dick, you are silly. Last things and Ham. A spiritual crisis. Every fourth Swiss, every fourth Swiss woman Swiss 17 and 21 years old has a big problem with anxiety disorders or depression. It is very much an experience among more than 3800 young people.

High risk for total health benefits

Because of the Corona pandemic, the global well-being of young people is a major issue. It is a matter of research into zahlreichen. It is said: The danger is that psychologically ill people are in a life phase as well as in the first 25 years of life, also at the end of their adolescence. Three of four young people in Leiden have a relationship with each other in the youth and their junior future.

A year-long study in Europe on a trend in the mental analysis of youth has been conducted. An experience with more than 11,000 Swiss women and Swiss aged 14 years showed that the well-being of people between the ages of 14 and 25 had declined significantly in the three years before the pandemic, while in all other groups it remained the same. The young people complained about more negative experiences, they were dissatisfied with life, less travel-able, had sleep problems and headaches. Please note that there is no evidence for this development.

This has become clear: “With the beginning of puberty comes with the people more entwicklungsaufgaben zu as irgendwann sonst noch mal im Leben”, says child and adolescent psychiatrist Michael Frey, professor at the Deggendorf Technical University in southern Germany.

There is a training in which Daniel Illy wrote the «Praxishandbuch: Psychische Gesundheit in der Adoleszenz». When the party stops, how long the to-do list for this phase of life is: the own identity is found, the autonomy is increased, also the eltern loose, with a number of friendship or partnership relationships, sexual relationships and erleben, the short-term cooperation. Short: The youth is a single hunger run.

«Gleichzeitig ist da Gehirn eine Grossbustelle», says Frey. Two Orte sind für das Verhalten von Jugendlichen are especially relevant – and in the Umbau: the frontal Kortex, a Hirnteil hinter der Stirn, and the limbic System in the Inner World of the Gehirns.

Conversion phase in the water and the high demands in the Alltag

If the short-term impulse control is performed in the front, you can take risks by postponing the turns and long-term Soul work. «This region is first with etwa 25 years volends ausgeprägt. Consequently, young people often act impulsively and cannot take risks, but it is an attack on the new, explained by the youth psychiatrist. The limbic system is one of the most common problems and a huge life process. Young people experience feelings particularly intensively. Fear, anxiety, sadness, joy: Often it is a small amount for great empirical experiences.

Everything is on the Lebensreality of the young. They play and play in the record tempo, the free German langsamer. The young must master school, take responsibility, plan their future. It is often the case that a child experiences a problem and is not even all separate. And if it all wants to happen, it is not that it is going well, if friends see, Spass has, dazugehören.

Of course, it is true that the adjustments in this phase of life and the transformation in Gehirn do not necessarily result in resolutions of crises and illnesses. If you look at your life, and most people will encounter a glimpse of the disadvantage.

And yet: “That mental suffering is so high in the beginning of youth, is connected to the perhaps changes in that time”, says Stefanie Schmidt, Professor of Clinical Psychology of Children and Youth at the University of Bern. Anxiety disorders, depression and essential problems can alleviate the major psychological problems among youth.

Das Gehirn is empfänglich für Belohnung und Zurückweisung

This period lasts 12 and 25 years and lasts longer than the Feedback of Gleichaltrigen. “In how the Altersgruppe makes people so sensitive to the Rückmeldung from outside in the Jugend”, says Schmidt. Under the youth psychiatrist Frey betont: ‘If the peers let themselves be influenced, this is one of the most serious consequences of the lung disease. If the disease occurs, depressions or anxiety can begin.»

Schwierige Verhältnisse in Elternhaus and other zerrüttende Factoren can zetzlich on the Schultern der Heranwachsenden last – and swing menchen in the Knie. Air conditioning and safety during construction. “Most global criticisms affect the normal youth of the Zukunft, in this case they are unsavory and weakened,” explains Stefanie Schmidt.

If you want to know more about the communication: social networks. And if it is very bad, if the use is carried out on the construction mode in the construction mode, it is not as long as the end lasts. “Social network work has people who are bad, they were young, and it was so that a part of the work was a raum or the other”, concretet der Jugendpsychiater Frey. Problematic is it when the ways of the online channel all others vernachlässigt become.

“The young gehirn is extremely susceptible to a desire journey,” says Frey. Social networks, but also computer games and alcohol send a solution to a desire journey. “And if you are in a certain time, a woman can no longer control,” says the youth psychiatrist. Therefore, sees Jugendliche under such gefährdet.

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These are guidelines for mental health

If you so forget how it is to go, so it is this time, a little better to set or wieder out to align. “It is in the youthful intestine, if it is good and it is a greater protection for the adult life”, concretely the psychology professor Schmidt. If you want to notice, if you have a bad one, if you use the lock, this is a positive message about the everyday. Concrete works like a real Frey, generally to go through life: ausreichend Bewegung, ausbalans Ernährung, genügend Sleep and social Austausch.

When someone is ready to be sick, psychotherapy is highly effective. Young people who want to make more profit will learn quickly and find their minds inflexible. «The damage can happen for the first time in young years. You started treating a man, who started with the youth psychiatrist Frey. Seelische Leiden tried to find the necessary developmental tasks in youth, the man often could not follow. Long questions about psychotherapy see a big problem.

There is an experience that began 20 years ago with a huge experience in processing. A war story cannot lie. A small edition among the Swiss Youth Swiss 12 and 19 years ago, it is likely that the first problem does not exist, but the problem is not solved. A young person said about the issue: «We are light, we were not serious. Our problem is no longer so bedeutsam.»

If the youth of Leid Mitteilen and Erwachsene has a knowledge, this is an essential Stride. It is clear: The Youth is a comparative short life span, but also one of the most turbulent phases. And if it is a time, life is sucked. Good, if Sturm the Way verweht.

Jana Hauschild is a psychologist and freelance journalist. Kürzlich erschien ihr Jugend-Ratgeber «Puderzucker an der Waffel – Wie die Psyche in Gleichweight bleibt» in Carlsen-Verlag.

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