
This Nährstoffe is strong in the kitchen

This Nährstoffe is strong in the kitchen

The vitamin damage for a functioning immune system is possible through a mathematical study. One of the most important vitamins in this composition is vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin A, so the B vitamin.

Important information read aloud

  • Vitamin C, which all contributes to the functioning of the immune system, works as powerful antioxidants and reduces the functioning of the immune system.
  • Vitamin D plays an important role in the active functioning of T-cells and is specifically reacted to the Krankheitserreger. A mangle and vitamin D can cause a high infectious disease.
  • Vitamin A is removed by the barrier effect of the highest and the clean body, whereby the first line of digestibility reduces the disease. Also promoted is the production of antibodies.
  • The B-vitamins, especially B6, B9 (Folsaure) and B12, are cases of higher amounts. You can interrupt the production and reifung of immunization and the DNA synthesis of the production and reintegration of your DNA synthesis. A mangle and those vitamins can strengthen immunity

Do you want to protect the immune system in the skin?

The immune system protects against illness and infections. There are many wonderful organisms that bake, drink or brew, but there is no such thing as sickness. The immune system is also the Abwehrsystem of the Körpers. “If the immune system collapses, we are not affected by aggressive illness, nor can we become ill,” writes the Institute for Quality and Wirtschaftlichkeit in Gesundheitswesen (IQWiG) on the portal

Make sure that the IQWiG is born and the immune system is not supported. Here the brand in the picture:

  • That innate immune system could also be an unspecific defense system. With immunity, which can also be considered as “fresh cells” or “killer cells” as damage and harmful particles.
  • That erworbene immune system would also be specialized in the immune system. It anticipates and can make a new mistake.

Vitamins for the immune system – an overview

The European Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit führt a Liste with sogenannten Health Claims (health benefits), which are best for the best vitamin science. The following vitamin is the “improved function of normal immune system function during” treatments:

This is the mineral substance that is used “by normal functioning of the immune system in”:

Why Vitamin A-gut for the immune system ist

Who writes the Federal Center for Nutrition (BZfE), is Vitamin A for the Aufrechterhaltung of the Schleimhäute as the first barrier against bacteria and erreger uncontrolled. Remove vitamin A from the immune system and the innate immune system.

In a study conducted in April 2014 and March 2016 by Cordis during the war, Forscher was able to establish in Experiments with Mäusen Feststellen, that the retina was a grim enzündungshemmmende Wirkung hat, for everything in Multiple Sklerose. Research shows that there is a vitamin A, which helps to strengthen the immune system in humans with autoimmune diseases – when the immune system gets its own strength – in the weight you gain.

Why Vitamin D Gut for the Immune System is

Vitamin D was developed by BZfE “the cells of unspecified immune systems and lymphocytes of the specific immune systems.” Add an article in Journal of Investigative Medicine The immune system itself Recipes for vitamin D. Dadurch can act vitamin D directly in the range of the immune system.

However, you are born with a normal immune system. A vitamin D deficiency may improve research into risks for autoimmune diseases. Between vitamin D and symptoms, there is also a connection.

Why Vitamin C Gut for the Immune System ist

If vitamin C stimulates the functioning of the immune system, it will play an important role as antioxidants. If it is good, then the free radicals, which are among other things by the dilution or by a healthy diet, whereby vitamin C is bundled and made as harmless as possible. Laut dem BZfE protects vitamin C also die Zellen. As soon as the functioning of the immune system is strengthened, vitamin C is activated. Wer fell stress, but it would have eight serious consequences. A huge amount of vitamin C is added. This vitamin E works as an antioxidant. If vitamin C is added, it can be easier to be added as vitamin C.

Vitamin C is considered a credible agent in the action. If you have a regularity, the study of the disease and the symptoms of symptoms can not be interrupted by people who have a more extreme load. There are indications that there may be an excess of the duration.

Why B-Vitamins are essential for the immune system

B-vitamins help as co-factors in a life-threatening preparation in the kitchen. A 2020 published review in the trade journal Nutrients befasste sich mit dem Theme. Research into a larger amount, the various B vitamins of the regular immunological functioning, which ensures that the person gets better, can do more research. Certainly, the B vitamins for a functioning immune system and the Zellen are unparalleled. A person who has caused his illness has a negative effect on the immune system and a deterioration of the patient’s health.

This vitamin B12 plays a separate role for the immune system. The body is – together with Folate – for the production and reifung of red blood bodies, the sauerstoff in the body transport and so that it all works well. Vitamin B12 is added to DNA synthesis and production, and is essential for the function and functioning of the immune system. A mangle and vitamin B12 can reduce the immunological function and reduce infections. If you eat vegan and vegetarian, it is important that you use a vitamin B12 dairy product for eight hours, which is an important part of the various products.

Zinc, Selen and Eisen: Was the immune system nor unterstützt

Laut dem BZfE has a healthy immune system on the mineral substances Zinc, Iron and Selenium. Zinc and selenium contain vitamin C and antioxidants. When the disease the immune system schwächen, was a higher infection with the result that the Körper anti-körper images can get. There were many Iron and Selen that the Körper damage.

“Amino acids, also the building blocks ​​of proteins, and the omega-3 fat acids eicosapentaeno …

Wer Lebensmittel specifisch nach Ihrem Vitamin-Gehalt asussuchen, kann unsere Article as Hilfestellung useful: