
ZDF star moderator Matthias Fornoff has ended his performance

ZDF star moderator Matthias Fornoff has ended his performance

It may be that ZDF moderator Matthias Fornoff has been going in the right-wing direction for a few years. Whoever sent the message said “Matthias Fornoff who has suffered a problem and the consequences of the ZDF treatment”. Seither übernahm Fornoff “new assignment in the ZDF editorial team”.

Now is finally done with the blessing of ZDF career. Whoever has left “” must have taken the Mainz sender soeben von Fornoff. So the ZDF-speaker Ulla Niemann on Tuesday, September 24, followed the following message on “”: “Matthias Fornoff is no longer for the ZDF task”. If the Star-Moderator is busy with a number of matters, there is a good chance that Angaben Widerspruch will be initiated and a wiedere-installation will be carried out. If the sender clearly knows that Fornoff is a wolle who is definitely no longer beschäftigen.

Grund for Matthias Fornoff’s ZDF-Ende

Grund für de Rauswurf des kannten Politikchefs sollen Vorwürfe innerhalb ofs Senders gegen Fornoff gewesen sein, so “”. Anschließend soll das ZDF thatse Vorwürfe intern auf höchster Ebene dissected haben and auch Intendant Norbert Himmler, Chefredakteurin Bettina Schausten and the Personalabteilung zu Rate haben. Matthias Fornoff himself has had the previous zurückgewiesen.

Shakuntala Banerjee with Fornoff’s Nachfolgerin

The time has come on May 31, and on November 1 the new Leitung der Hauptredaktion alone will begin – namlich Shakuntala Banerjee. She is the Zuschauern as moderator of “Berlin direkt” a Begriff, which started for the ZDF 20 years ago. During the war of 2024, Leiterin des Hauptstadtstudios Berlin became stellvertretende.