
SAP Garden: A glove and a smarter hoeneß move

SAP Garden: A glove and a smarter hoeneß move

Uli Hoene quickly became aware of his partner Dietrich Mateschitz, he himself was the partner of SAP and the Landeshauptstadt Munich in the established company. “There is a positive Grundstimmung, there is no single Denkenträger”, so a curious gratefuler Uli Hoeneß über the gemeinsamen Pläne, a modern multifunctional arena for Eishockey and Basketball in Munich on the Bauen. “All were prepared to say: ‘Geht nicht, gibt’s bei uns nicht’.”

Enjoy the SAP Garden with the Eishockey match of the EHC Red Bull Munich against the NHL-Team Buffalo Sabres feierlich eröffnet. We now see how the basketball player of FC Bayern plays the new hall with the EuroLeague top game against Real Madrid.

Mateschitz’ Soulstrebigkeit beeindruckte

Before it was more of a year war in 2022, Red Bull founder Dietrich Mateschitz was the vision of a multifunctional arena. In Hoene and FC Bayern Munich, there is talk of a certain Mitstreiter. And the mind of both Alpha Men is so soft: “We have been sympathetic to us from the beginning,” Hoeneß remembers, and then the great consequences of the great consequences of independence.

“I must say that I am a leader, so we will be able to make financial decisions,” so Hoeneß. “We can’t afford to spend more time, but more importantly.” A Schocknachricht for quickly all am Tisch. Nur nicht für Mateschitz: “Was mir gefallen hat: dass er jenige war, der am wenigsten schockiert war. Er fragte dann: ‘Was brauchen wir, um herauszufinden, was das Ganze cost soll?’ After 14 days we were left alone at my office and were told: ‘Einen schönen Gruß von Herrn Mateschitz.’ “All Hürden were taken into lockers,” said Hoeneß. “There are few people who thought, that man now two, three conversations braucht, eh so a Riesenprojekt umzusetzen.”

Lob für Handshavingmentalität and Beharrlichkeit

A Wort, a Handschlag, no Getue – it is fun to go to Hoeneß’ Geschmack. “Normally it is normal, that is the 25th time you do this. If you speak to a man with the hand. And this is a big problem of its own, what is longer than a stunde dauert hat, bis man es gelöst hadte”, so Hoeneß’ Fazit der Zusammenarbeit.

By the accusation of Mateschitz, after the devastating Munich SPD mayor Christine Strobl, the project began on a unterstützte, the war is grateful, that is how the Hoeneß’ Gefängnisaufenthalt switzer 2014 and 2016 nicht ad actagelegd wurde. If the war has begun with the writing of Mateschitz, then it is a matter of more writing, and a Strobl has in his first wieders gesagt, man has on his gewartet “another goal, which will be achieved”.

Hoeneß: “I am conscious, that is the right partner”

Besonders Mateschitz’ Korte habe ihn sehr bewegt: “Das since so Tage, wo du Tränen in den Augen hast, (…) da habe ich gewusst, dass es der richtige Partner ist”, erinnerte sich der 72-Jährige. And further: “So there is a wonderful partnership with Red Bull, the FC Bayern Munich and the city of Munich. The spirit that the Entwicklung has cannot be spürt, in the Sprächen and at the Entscheidungen.”

Since Hoeneß has not expected a significant partner: SAP. The software group plays a major role, but the Walldorf entrepreneur did not come into being as a namesake. A “Red Bull Arena”, so small as it is, where the FC Bayern fans would not use their vermitteln gewesen – it has received a mateschitz understanding, which brought in the estimated 150 million euros for the Bau more or later alone. A smarter move, FC Bayern soft drink at the end of a larger profit maker.

Hoeneß concrete reports: “It’s a win-win situation.” For the city, for everything for the two Munich first-timers: “I am convinced that both sports, ice hockey and basketball, will be incredible profits from SAP Garden.” I have started with the dying of Zukunft.