
Vladimir Putin in power: Russian military personnel commit suicide and internal war

Vladimir Putin in power: Russian military personnel commit suicide and internal war

There is no more offensive in Ukraine that will cause Vladimir Putin problems. Inside the Russian armed forces, it is brooding. The army is zero. The internal rolling never ends and more soldiers always want to kill themselves.

  • Vladimir Putin Führt seit 2022 Angriffskrieg against Ukraine
  • Putin’s Army Faces Huge Problems
  • Ukraine invasion in Stocken
  • Interne Gewalt und Selbstmordfälle nehmen zu

That’s me Ukraine-War important point: See more as weeinhalb Jahren Vladimir Putin is leading an Angriffskrieg against the Ukraine. An end of Ukraine-Krieges is not active in Sicht. The broader state of the Ukraine has begun with the Russian invasion. Soletzt soll es the Ukrainian troops abermals gelungen bein, another Stelle der Region Kursk in the Russian area of ​​the last century. If a major offensive is a major attack, it is not clear.

Wladimir Putin powerless? Russen-Militär zerrüttet

If you notice an attack of the anger of Ukraine, the fight against the Russian military forces is unacceptable. The offensive problem is the inner struggle of the Putin’s Army. Why would the Russians not have, your own border of your defense? Is the power of Putin-Soldiers a war gear or a Moral and Durchhaltevermögen?

Weitere News zum Ukraine-Krieg says here:

Putin’s Soldiers Fight With “Rotten Eater” Ausrüstung in Ukraine-Krieg

Rafael Voss expert is the quality of the Russian armed forces that “traditionally does not go further”. In the army of Vladimir Putin, the gold-plated coat of arms of the Motto Masse statt Klasse. So I would like to receive an Insider of the Russian Exil-Magazin “Meduza” report, that the Ausrust of the Soldiers is “rotten”. If the material has disappeared a little, the solder is not suitable for the einsatz in Ukraine-Krieg.

The Kremlin military has committed suicide and waged internal wars

Another problem is that Voss, Vladimir Putin’s army, has a “strong hierarchical system of violence”. The soldiers teach the people of Grund op, the Schmerz, the inner forces are erleben, on the enemy of the war. “Pressure, abuse, bullying, self-injury and sexualized violence” are some of the ways in which suicides in the Russian army are extremely high.

Putin Kommandeur called for Selbstmord – Russen-Armee von “Selbstmord-Epidemie” überrollt

“Before the Krieg, a number of NGOs left, there were 44 Prozent aller Tode in the Streitkräften auf Selbsttötung zurückzuführen,” says Rafael Voss. Selbst high quality Beamte take care of your life, so who is the youngest of the leaders of the 678. Kommunikationseinheit der Russian Luftstreitkräfte. Other media have recently reported a downright “Selbstmord Epidemic”..

Make sure you have a structural problem with problem solving, lackluster treatment and poor medical care. Everyone is negative about the morale of Russian soldiers. For Putin a massive problem.

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