
Beruf-O-Mat: Welcher Beruf pass zu Ihnen?

Beruf-O-Mat: Welcher Beruf pass zu Ihnen?

Etwa 7.3 Millions of people are internally educated. A foursome of civilizations in Germany can create a job market. It could be nervous chatting and chatting, manipulative moves or a little lie. But the working environment of the workers does not work, everything is better. Manchmal is not near the jewel Job, son of Beruf, der nicht (meer) zu einem passt.

Did you find a man, was one of the things you could lie? Zum Beispiel with the RIASEC model by John L. Holland. “The idea is to build on our interests, to recognize our interests and to organize our staff groups,” says Bärbel Engelmann, who works as a staff and student worker in Berlin. If you view your Arbeit on this model, you can orient the test of ZEIT ONLINE.