
Sinfonieorchester der Lions music for the good Zweck

Sinfonieorchester der Lions music for the good Zweck

After an intensive trial phase with the Sinfonieorchester Deutscher Lions, I started with spelfreude and perfection on September 21 at Schloss Kapfenburg.

Three years ago the Sinfonieorchester Deutscher Lions auf Schloss Kapfenburg, an introduction to the work of three great composers on the Stage of the Trude Eipperle Rieger-Konzertsaals would bring: Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven.

Ovations for soloists

Under the professional leadership of Conductor Markus Fohr, the Orchestra performed an impressive program. Anna Maria Steinheber’s soloist started the audience in the Kapfenburg with Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s clarinet concerto (A-Dur, KV 622) restless and ready for their Vortrag Standing Ovations.

Start by thanking Thomas Engert, President of the Lions Club Schwäbisch Gmünd-Aalen-Ellwangen for the extraordinary commitment of the Symphony Orchestras, which has been given an honorable exploration.

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