
Kabarettabend with Mario Sacher – 2 x 2 Karten won

Kabarettabend with Mario Sacher – 2 x 2 Karten won

OTTENSCHLAG. On Samstag, October 5, at 8 p.m., Kabarettist Mario Sacher will present his program “Schön. Schöner. Jetzt!” in the Roadlhof nach Ottenschlag. Kartenvorverkauf bzw. Reservations under Tel. 07211/8988 or [email protected].

2 x 2 Karten für Kabarettabend won

It’s just a matter of time to schönsten. And Jetzt is always. Der Mühlviertler Worakrobat nimmt in seinem 8. Solo program of the Schönheit des Augenblicks kabarettist under the Lupe.
It is a fact that the look at the scorching Austrians is a full glass, that is a trotzdem with the previous one as a better reward. Clearly, the Zeit brings it so, that it is the most optical, anyway.

But we must not hear, that beautiful to see. Of babies is still not ready. Of grown-up generations, not. What more do you want, everything on the pension, on the day, in the mountains, or how you ever change? Do you want to know what the Wiedergeburt is? Who sees the balance between work and private life?

With larger points, perhaps music and some creative philosophies of the Sacher or Torte are some simple Errungenschaften that contain a time of well-being or senior dating apps. While the Frage, politics ticks like that, anyway, there would be talk of sprachwissenschaftlich.