
Now the state is a

Now the state is a

  1. wading
  2. North Rhine-Westphalia

Das Pascha in Cologne is a great time to roll in Schleuser-Skandal games. That’s what Folgen is.

Cologne – Erneut das “Pascha” in Cologne, Europas größtes Bordell, in Rahmen des Schleuser-Skandals in de Schlagzeilen. Jetzt greift der Staat important durch, wie Message!

Schleuser-Skandal has a fundamental follow-up for Das Pascha: State guarantee at Kölner Bordell in

Anyone who can imagine that the “Pascha” vom Land NRW (translated from the Staatsanwaltschaft Düsseldorf) will be reported will be published in a message Image Bereits am 8. August. “It is right, that is the basis of the basic construction including real estate development,” says Julius Sterzel, Speaker of the State Public Health Agency of Düsseldorf.

Hintergrund des Falls: Mitte April 2024, more than 1000 Beamte von Bundespolizei and Staatsanwaltschaft in eight Bundesländern more than 200 Wohnungen and Geschäftsräume spent – ​​a matter of a zahlreichen Orten in NRW.

Pascha was prepared for more as a whole Monat beschlagnahmt

The large size of an internationally operating Schleuserbande organization, which goes beyond the Reich in China and the Oman specialty, is a fact. There are six persons involved. In the Skandal it is so that the company will receive “Pascha” for eleven million euros in the year 2021. Among other people in the Pascha Hotel in the neunten Etage can accommodate Chinese agents and agents.

Das Foto said das Bordell “Pascha” in Cologne, in January 2021.
Das Bordell „Pascha“ in Cologne also offers a hostel for agents. © photo alliance/dpa | Rolf Vennenbernd

Die Folge: Das Pascha geriet immer meer in den Fokus. So in May in June 2024 the Razzien der Steuerfahndung in Kölner Bordell were passed on.

Beschlagnahmung: The reason for the Pascha is completely different

The Vermittlung of an Aufenthaltserlaubnis costs an amount of 360,000 Euro after the Staatsanwaltschaft. We are working on tire and manufacturing equipment from Ausländern that focus on the best quality and best technology from local companies. Dreh- und Angelpunkt der Luxus-Schleusungen: Zwei Anwaltskanzleien in Köln beziehungsweise im Kölner Raum, über die die Anwältin und der Anwalt de wohlhabende “Kundschaft” angeworben haben haben.

Make sure that the pascha is no longer used. And: The decision is expired. The end of the state can cause a guideline value. A single problem is that the Schleuserband is less long in confusion.

The active properties of “Pascha” have been sold and one of the ground pieces or the pink building (renovated after completion in 2021) has been changed.