
Neues Parkhaus am JKU Campus in Linz eröffnet

Neues Parkhaus am JKU Campus in Linz eröffnet

The parking facility has a capacity of 15,500 square metres of net parking space and 550 hp parking spaces. © JKU

One of the pleasures of the park areas has arisen and the new developments to be completed were started in April 2023 with the construction of new Parkhauses on the Westende des Campus.

Dieses wurde non Beisein von Christoph Vitale von der BIG, Linz AG-Geschäftsführer Erich Haider, Architekt Peter Sapp (querkraft), Anke Merkl (Leiterin JKU Operation Management) as well as Wolfgang Resch (JKU Finanz- und Beteiligungsmanagement), Rektor Stefan Koch and JKU- Vizerektor für Campusentwicklung, Digitization und Nachhaltigkeit Alexander Freischlager eröffnet.

The Parkhaus was built in the high capacity and value on its own Ebenen (round 15,500 Quadratmeter Nettoraumfläche) Place for round 550 Pkw. Zwölf Stellplätze has been postponed with Elektrotankstellen, the von der Linz AG is involved.

An Aufrüstung on round 90 Elektrotankstellen is possible at Bedarf. If the park is no longer used, the design of the park houses for the installation is as simple as possible when it comes to maintenance.

“In recent years, the JKU has grown solidly – our campus is a learning, working and living space for more than 24,000 students and a run of 4,000 employees. This Wachstum has a new infrastructure and a poor infrastructure, we will continue to expand the campus in recent years. The embedding of the park houses is now a necessary step in the Western Campus development”, so the JKU Rektor Koch.

The Ausbauflächen on the Campus of the JKU, which stands for a university university, is one of the best things. It is not important and the minimum ground version of the ground version is a waste, if you choose a parkflächen for the new approach of your utility.

The House of Schools was currently to be built on a special park. The OÖ building technology regulation stipulates that the JKU will only require a fixed number of parking spaces that must be available on campus. It is now no longer possible to build a park house. The costs are based on 13 million euros.