close – Düren: Überfall in der Kämergasse – Mann Geldbörse-geraubt – Düren: Überfall in der Kämergasse – Mann Geldbörse-geraubt – Düren: Überfall in der Kämergasse – Mann Geldbörse-geraubt

Düren: Am gestrigen Mittwoch (25.09.2024) wurde ein Mann auf der Kämergasse beraubt and verletzt.

The last 24 years of history lasted until 22:00 at the end of the day in the room in the room, as I would like to be able to hint with the flashing hand in the face. There is a possibility that the money market and a Schloss will move towards urban development. The police have made an additional tax assessment, it is all a negative story.

After 24 years, you were able to enjoy your medical treatment abt. The Täter is described as follows:

   - etwa 20-25 Jahre alt
   - etwa 180 cm groß
   - schlank
   - beige Jogginghose
   - beiger Pullover

Sows, the Angaben zum Tathergang or zum Täter machen können, were bitten, if they ask for information under the Rufnummer 02421 949-6425 and the Leitstelle.