
Wahlkreis Lörrach-Müllheim: Björn Hergesell will appear for the CDU in the Bundestag – Kreis Lörrach

Wahlkreis Lörrach-Müllheim: Björn Hergesell will appear for the CDU in the Bundestag – Kreis Lörrach

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Hannes Selz


Björn Hergesell from Badenweiler is entered as a candidate in the internal races of the CDU. There will be antreten in the Lörrach-Müllheim zur Bundestagswahl district. If you are concerned with the development of your knowledge, you know that.

Björn Hergesell | Photo: Björn Hergesell
Björn Hergesell Photo: Björn Hergesell

Short for the friend has given Björn Hergesell the chance to expand the CDU district alliances. There will be a Wahlkreis …

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