
Seevetaler start at Italien-Rallye: Rallyeschelli and Rennreini-on-the-go

Seevetaler start at Italien-Rallye: Rallyeschelli and Rennreini-on-the-go

Team007, consisting of Dirk Schellstede and Reinhard Crasemann, is ready for its first rally Rallye-Abenteuer. In the Dolomites, the “Jupiter’s Flash Rally 2024” of the Superlative Adventure Club starts on October 4 – with the two Seevetalern.

For Dirk Schellstede and Reinhard Crasemann it is worth running the last 8,000 kilometers to the Baltic Sea Circle, alongside them in 16 Tagen over 200 teams that will complete an 8,000 kilometer Ostseerun, including Station am Nordkap.

If both were a feast for the eyes when the idea for Grillen started, then it has become a real Leidenschaft: a 40-year-old Mercedes Coupé was purchased and after the Vorbild des CE 280 of the Swedish Rally legend Erik Carlsson a great enthusiast. Damit wants Schellstede and Crasemann to do 2,000 kilometers in eight days, without navigation equipment and motorway use,

Neben dem Wettbewerb wollen de Seevetaler Gutes tun: Jedes Teams sammelt Spenden für einen guten Zweck. Team007 travels with the “Bremer Angel” through Italy, the sick children and family relaxation.

Was there a team in the Tour team? “Jede Menge Spaß en tolle Unterwegs-Erlebnisse”, thus Crasemann. “Insbesondere der Austausch with the other Teilnehmern – allesamt ein wenig verrückt – ist eine Riesengaudi.” Start in the Schroffen Berglandschaft Norditaliens, das Ziel is located in Palermo auf Sizilien. I hear that Team007 is on a Platz on the Siegertreppchen called Crasemann and Schellstede. It has been twins: both rallies, when the Seevetaler has started, he has achieved a nice victory. Davon sows a golden Benzincanister in the Partykeller.

Why Team007? The names come from the starting numbers at the “Deutschland-Rallye”: 007. Watch the premiere of “Rallyeschelli” and “Rennreini” during the Bondbrille. The message is “M”, known from: MI6 007. You can follow Team007 from Friday, October 4, on FindPenguins or on Instagram (bsc_team007) and on the Team website, where the spending is possible.