
Neue Studien – Online-Verhalten der Jugendlichen became more discussed

Neue Studien – Online-Verhalten der Jugendlichen became more discussed

It has been investigated that there is an attempt at social media use among teenagers from 7 years ago in the year 2018 to 11 years ago in the year 2022, while the WHO Europe stood on the basis of one of its most recent conclusions. Girls are more active (13 percent) than boys (9 percent) on social platforms. More than a third of the youth (36 percent) say, they are constantly in contact with friends online.

Let the WHO know that there is more awareness, but 12 percent of the youthful experiences, a played gaming stories of the devolpment. Burschen is here a German problem as Mädchen. The Copenhagen-based organization finds the analysis of its collection: digital technology can have a negative impact on the mental health and knowledge of European youth.

Vermittlung sozialer Kompetenz in vader Ländern „unzureichend“

“It is clear that social media are both positive and negative for the health and well-being of young people,” says WHO Regional Director Hans Kluge. That is why the Vermittlung of the digital Kompetenz is so heavy. Dennoch sees this no longer in some federal states or does not stop at the pace of the Entwicklung Schritt.

The young people who should do this could expand the social media utilities in the Griff. If you are suffering from depression, mobbing, anxiety and school performance, warns Kluge. It focuses on setting up social networks to bring a strong social bond.

280,000 Jugendliche in 44 Ländern befragt

The new WHO knowledge is one of the most important general studies, for the year 2022 quickly 280,000 children and youth in old age from 11, 13 and 15 years in 44 countries and regions in Europe, central Asia and Canada are informed. If you are concerned about social media, this is one of the symptoms that characterize the definition, if you say something, if the human is no longer in control, the research or other activities can be carried out.

Auch Intersport-Jugendreport said suspect Nutzung

Another study said about nutzungsverhalten von Kindern und Jugendlichen, was Smartphone & Co betrifft: Der Intersport Kids- und Jugendreport 2024* said: Je älter, desto passive de Freizeitgestaltung. Jugendliche verringen durchschnittlich 4.8 Stunden täglich with digitalen Geräten, während für Sport and Bewegung nur 1.4 Stunden übrig bleiben. ​ At Kindern, Sport steht 1.7 Stunden en 1st Stelle, folgt von Fernsehen en Zeit mit Freunden. ​

The time that time goes on, the pro-tag with its own technical devices that are being developed, is the youth threat that is as high as in children. An alarming Entwicklung, which the children and youth report 2024 said, is one of the 369 youths aged 11 to 16 and 250 children of children in the alternative world to the last years of the war.

*) IMAS International, Mixed method with face-to-face interviews and online recording, n=250 Eltern von Kindern im Alter von sechs bis zehn Jahren; n=369 Jugendliche im Alter from eleven to 16 years