
THSV Eisenach for Flensburg-Kracher: Heinevetter will become Greatest ärgern”

THSV Eisenach for Flensburg-Kracher: Heinevetter will become Greatest ärgern”

After bittering the Niederlage trotz sharper Aufholjagd gegen Aufsteiger SG BBM Bietigheim wartet now am celebrating the Spieltag der Handbal-Bundesliga und der Ligaprimus auf die Eisenacher. “Flensburg is a top address,” described ThSV-Torwart Silvio Heinevetter from the team from Norden, which lost its playing time on the platz three abschloss. “Tempo, Highgeschwindigkeitshandball”, which was supported by SG Flensburg-Handewitt when he came into the last years of the struggle, “jetzt since sid wieder dahin”. And now there is something for Heinevetter, “the Jetzt and Here”.

Gegen Flensburg in the Club der 600

So there will never be a problem with clearing a game with the Flensburger in October past years, nor in the Trikot of the TVB Stuttgart and immersion in 600. Play in the Handball-Bundesliga. A Marke, who now has three players for his achievements, Christian Schwarzer, Jan Holpert and Johannes Bitter recorded. Who else wants to enjoy the back in the Thuringian Homeland? “So long as the body is strong and the spaß is powerful for all”, and then: “Schauen wir mal”.

Allzuweit nach vorne schaut is not liked, the ThSV-Torwart, back but also not. If you play on the game in Bietigheim, it is disappointing, it has “never been a best game”, the man must use his hint fragments, “that is with the second power busy” and now it is a fact to become Flensburg. Aus Eisenacher looks at the experience and the letzte-begegnung with the northernmost zumindest hofnung that brings: as a riser man in the drittletzten-game of the season in Tabellen-14. at 28:27 o’clock on the day of the Drittplatzierten.

Marko Grgic as lighthouse

Etwas allgemeiner blickt, verrät Heinevetter dann, welche Baustellen beim ThSV aus seiner Sicht am großten since: “Wir müssen in de Breite besser besser, wir haben genug Leute, die das wuppen können”, findet der 206-fache DHB-Torhüter – heb aber but a solitary player reform. Marko Grgic namlich, der 14 Toren und fünf Assists gegen Bietigheim immerhin noch der beste Mann der Eisenacher war: “That’s a Mann with Marko, the unglaublich fell Potenzial hat, a large Rolle einnehmen wird and muss, that’s clear.”

So then I am Freitag against the SG Flensburg-Handewitt. The Roles are clearly shown, Flensburg as Spitzenreiter ist am Freitagabend (Live-Ticker at SPORT IM OSTEN) of clear Favorites that after three absolvierten Spieltagen on Rank 13 rangierenden Eisenacher. “That’s good, there are plenty of things to do, that’s the main thing”, Heinevetter indicates, then it’s also possible, “we have great results”.