
Nach Grossbrand in Landshut: Grundwasser mit Arsen verunreinigt

Nach Grossbrand in Landshut: Grundwasser mit Arsen verunreinigt

Washer in unmittelbarer Nähe zum Brandort taxet

The Stadt Landshut can solve even more problems. On the positive side, the charges now continue in the unlimited supply of the Brandorts festivities.

If you look at the following, you can perform some of the Shadow Dust Conzentrations and other expansions of the Shadow Dust of the Beobachten. The sister companies of the Stadverwaltung find their way to the city in the Austausch with the Wasserwirtschaftsamt and the Gesundheitsamt.

Fire fighters fought long against the fire

Das Feuer in der Fabrik war am Sonntag, dem 18. August, ausgebrochen. Warum, it is not clear. Hundreds of fire fighters fought over 70 soldiers along the fire. Die Höhe des Schadens becomes in die Millionen.

An apartment can be contacted with questions and additional information, please call telephone number: 0871/88-1600.