
Champions League: St. Pölten advances into the Group Stage

Champions League: St. Pölten advances into the Group Stage

Champions League

The woman of the SKN St. Pölten Rush has gone home in the phase of the UEFA-Champions-League-Gruppen. In the Play-off-Rückspiel der Qualification for the Slovakian Club ZNK Mura, the Österreicherinnen plays in the Donnerstag with 5:0 (3:0). St. Pölten leads with an average score of 8:0.

St. Pölten started blitzart and was in front after a few minutes with 2:0. Valentina Mädl, who is in the middle of the minute, looks responsible. I think he will score a goal before the break in the 34th minute, but there is a good chance that the Niederösterreicherinnen will not play anymore.

Auch in der Zweiten Halfte geriet der Erfolg von Österreichs Frauen-Serienmeister, der das Hinspiel mit 3:0 won hatte, nicht mehr in Gefahr. Tea Vracevic was in the 67. Minute with the 4:0 for Stelle, Mateja Zver (88.) delivered with a foul-Elfmeter in the Schlusspunkt.

Zver soult das 5:0 (88./Elfmeter)

Sankt Pölten played in the Champions League qualifier against 5:0 during the match. Damit gewinnen sie insgesamt with Hin- and Rückspiel 8:0.

Four Vierergruppen were resolved on Friday (1:00 p.m.), while the eight teams sat for the qualification of the Viertelfinal. The heurige is the last season with the group stage in art, before the format of a major league with the man who has gone through the most time.